Tag Archives: Mental Health

How Was Delonte West’s Mental Health Viewed as a Joke in the Past?

Back in 2007, Britney Spears was considered a joke for shaving her head in the middle of the night. Just like with Spears, former basketball player Delonte West’s bizarre behavior made him a laughingstock. Instead of expressing concern for his mental health, people found it easier to point and laugh. More people need to see […]

What are the Best Workouts for Your Mental Health?

Exercising has several physical benefits, but it can also do wonders for your mental health. Barbara Nosal, Ph.D. from Newport Academy, says that half an hour or more of daily exercise can increase serotonin. This chemical is a feel-good transmitter linked to mood and social behavior. The next time you are in a low mood, […]

What Mental Health Experts Wish You Knew About Anxiety

People may think that anxiety is simply being nervous all the time. Anxiety is anything but simple as it takes a toll on your life if it is not treated. Business Insider had mental health experts explain what they wish everyone knew about anxiety in order for more people to get into treatment. Your Anxiety […]

Why Is It Hard For Parents to Spot Signs of Depression in Their Children?

Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say that they have trouble recognizing depression in their child. These parents may feel like anything their child is feeling now will blow over when they get older. By recognizing the signs of depression in your child, you can do something early to ensure that your child will grow […]

How to Speak to Employees Without Harming Their Mental Health

As a manager or a supervisor, you may notice your employees feeling anxious or depressed during their shift. You want to do something, but you do not know if it is your place or what to do. In order to be a leader in your company, you need to be active in the negative emotions […]

How Can I Handle Post-Wedding Blues?

You would think that once your wedding is over that you should be relieved. Your wedding planning days are over, you do not have to worry about fitting into your dress, and you can just enjoy time with your spouse. But, there is also post-wedding blues you can experience when you will not be as […]

Why is Anxiety Pop the New Sound of the Year?

What to Do About Summertime Depression

We live in a world where we are fed information through the internet 24/7 through our social media accounts or news subscriptions. Music, on the other hand, tends to act as a relaxer for people who have experienced high anxiety symptoms. Anxiety pop is done by musicians that are aware of how dire the world […]

What Toxic Habits Can Mess with Your Mental Health?

It is normal every once in a while to have moments when you act selfishly or become too self-involved. It is another to let those emotions take over your entire behavior. By understanding what behaviors can be damaging to your mental health, you have the power to change them. How is it Toxic to Take […]

Why Am I Tired Even After Sleeping Well?

You are sleeping seven to eight hours, but still, feel tired. It does not make sense to you, as your healthy amount of sleep should give you enough energy throughout the day. By taking a good look at your mental health and speaking to a mental health professional about it, you will be able to […]

How Mental Health Can Affect Your Oral Health


Taking care of our teeth is no one’s responsibility but our own. If we are struggling with a mental illness, that can mean that we are not taking care of our physical health including our teeth. By not taking care of your mental health, your teeth will suffer the consequences.  Depression Affects Oral Health Depression […]