Tag Archives: Mental Health

How to Identify Schizophrenia Symptoms in Yourself

While many people know the general symptoms of schizophrenia, noticing them in yourself can be challenging. It is crucial to remember that schizophrenia does not occur overnight but rather has symptoms that develop over months or years. You may be in denial regarding your symptoms, but recognizing them as fact can aid in getting you […]

How Do You Gauge Progress in Therapy?

In the best of situations, going into treatment means establishing a great rapport with your therapist about your mental health issues and finding solutions. After a while, your therapist may tell you that you can reduce your sessions or only call when needed. Rather than feeling rejected, this is a sign of progress. While these […]

How to Support a Friend With Bipolar Disorder

Supporting a friend with a mental health disorder can be challenging, especially if you aren’t sure how to properly help them. Even with the best intentions, some individuals engage in behaviors that do more harm than good. By learning healthy ways to support a friend with bipolar disorder, you can help them, and your friendship, […]

What Are the Genetic Links to Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that leads to extreme mood swings, shifting between mania, hypomania, and depression, depending on the type of bipolar. Some might describe it as the highs are too high and the lows are too low. Now scientists are claiming they have discovered a significant factor in determining your risk […]

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

Have you reached a point where you think nothing else matters? Perhaps you believe that nothing you say or do will change anything, and it would be better if you just gave up. Many individuals feel this from time to time as they cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, it […]

What Is the Link Between Introversion and Depression?

Combining Alcoholism and Abuse: A Dangerous Concoction|

Do you avoid large parties or social events and find excuses to stay home? If so, you may be an introvert. Introverted people tend to listen more than speak, prefer quiet time compared to a noisy group, or try to blend in with the crowd instead of striving to stand out. While this is not […]

How Does Procrastination Affect Mental Health?

We all procrastinate sometimes, most often to delay doing something we know we have to get done. Instead of getting work done, you may play on your phone, eat a snack when you are not hungry, make plans, and more. However, when procrastination interferes with your daily life, it may be a sign something deeper […]

How to Bring Peace Amidst Stress

Stress can be an overwhelming feeling for anyone, but it is dangerous for individuals in addiction recovery. Stress is a common relapse trigger that can threaten a person’s sobriety, especially when the person allows the stress to build. Knowing how to bring peace even in the most chaotic moments is crucial to learn for individuals […]

Can Sharing Comfort Meals on Social Media Help Depression?

Can sharing about a mental health disorder bring people together? There is one group on social media where it seems to be working. People are getting together and sharing their “depression meals” on Facebook. A depression meal is a combination of comfort foods for those who do not have the energy to cook a meal. […]

How Did Cooking Save Kevin Curry’s Life?

Fitness expert Kevin Curry was suffering from depression after the loss of his job and his girlfriend. Just as Curry was about to end his life, he got a phone call from his counselor, who he had not spoken to in some time, and it saved his life. Curry was able to treat his depression […]