Tag Archives: Mental Illness

Mental Illness Terms Are Not Good Metaphors

Mental Illness Terms Are Not Good Metaphors

We have a tendency to use mental health terms very likely to describe how we are feeling. We could be saying that we are OCD if we are continuously cleaning our cluttered desk, we call someone crazy if we disagree with their point of view, or bipolar if someone is constantly changing their mind. By […]

How New Entrepreneurs Can Be in Control of Their Mental Health

Consequences of Addiction in the Workplace: The Risks Our Loved Ones Face

It is a great feeling to have a business of your own and being able to answer for yourself. But according to a recent study by UC Berkeley’s Institutional Review Board, 72% of entrepreneurs are struggling with mental health. By using your team as a tool for support and learning that it is okay to […]

How You Know Your Mental Health Medication Is Not Working

How You Know Your Mental Health Medication Is Not Working

Your mental health professional or doctor will try to prescribe you medicine based on past medications you have tried, family history of mental illness, and more. It is possible that you have tried this brand new medication prescribed to you and you feel like nothing is happening. By knowing how to tell if your medication […]

What Can I Do Every Weekend to Improve My Mental Health?

What Can I Do Every Weekend to Improve My Mental Health?

Weekends are very important for anyone who works long shifts during the week as it is a time to unwind and enjoy yourself. But, spending your weekend binge-watching shows or being absorbed in social media can be draining to your mental health. In order to be happy and have a successful weekend, it is important […]

How Can Facebook Benefit Your Mental Health?

How Can Facebook Benefit Your Mental Health?

There have been many studies that show that social media websites can cause psychological distress, loneliness, and depression from being glued to it. However, a 2018 study has shown that when undergraduates decrease their social media use by 30 minutes a day, it can improve their mental health. By limiting your social media use, you […]

Mental Health Effects of Having a Sister

Mental Health Effects of Having a Sister

Having a sister is like having a best friend that lives in your house. You share parents, traditions, relatives, and even experiences while growing up. By having a positive relationship with your sister, your mental health will be enriched knowing that you have someone there to rely on for emotional support. Mental Health Boost  If […]

A Better Approach Than Calling the Cops on Someone with a Mental Illness

A Better Approach Than Calling the Cops on Someone with a Mental Illness

It has happened before where someone notices someone call a disturbance and calls the police, only for the police to kill the person who happens to be mentally ill. The Virginia-based nonprofit Treatment Advocacy Center, one in four people who are killed by the police are those who are mentally ill. By sending in mental […]

Does Having a Mental Disorder Mean I’m “Crazy”?

Does Having a Mental Disorder Mean I’m “Crazy”?

We’ve all heard the names that plague the realm of mental illness. “Crazy”, “psycho”, “weird”, “nuts” – it’s unfortunate, but our society has had a difficult time accepting the various mental illnesses that can occur and the symptoms that people deal with on a daily basis. Mental illness is an incredibly serious topic that deserves […]

Defining Mental Health Recovery and What People Need to Thrive

Defining Mental Health Recovery and What People Need to Thrive

Mental health is an incredibly important part of our holistic wellbeing, yet many of us neglect this aspect of healing because we can’t physically see it. The way we think, feel and behave all provide incredibly telling signs as to the state of our mental health, which is defined by the U.S. Department of Health […]

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders? Your Ultimate Guide

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders? Your Ultimate Guide

In many cases, substance use disorders (SUDS) or mental illness don’t occur alone; whether we realize it or not, it’s possible that both may be present at the same time. Co-occurring disorders, also known as co-morbidity or dual diagnosis, is defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as, “Two or more disorders or […]