Tag Archives: Mental Illness

Detecting Mental Illness: Signs Treatment May Be Needed

Detecting Mental Illness: Signs Treatment May Be Needed

Our society has become more open towards mental illness and the challenges that so many of us face – yet there are still many instances in which either our loved ones or ourselves may be battling with a condition we didn’t even know we had. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) reminds us that in many […]

3 Common Misconceptions About PTSD

3 Common Misconceptions About PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition people sometimes develop following a traumatic incident. Symptoms of PTSD typically include re-experiencing the trauma, in the form of flashbacks or nightmares, avoiding things that remind you of the trauma, being unable to remember significant aspects of the trauma, being unable to sleep, startling easily, and becoming […]