Tag Archives: Mental Illness

What Are the Genetic Links to Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that leads to extreme mood swings, shifting between mania, hypomania, and depression, depending on the type of bipolar. Some might describe it as the highs are too high and the lows are too low. Now scientists are claiming they have discovered a significant factor in determining your risk […]

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

Have you reached a point where you think nothing else matters? Perhaps you believe that nothing you say or do will change anything, and it would be better if you just gave up. Many individuals feel this from time to time as they cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, it […]

Can Saying “You Need Help” Hurt Someone With Mental Illness?

If a friend told you “you need help,” how do you think you would react? Would you be touched someone cared — or would you be offended? Defensive? Deny, you have a problem? Sometimes the best of intentions can have unintended consequences.   Being told that you need help may be interpreted as “there is […]

How Can Depression Affect Your Body?

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance|

Your body tends to respond to its thoughts; for example, if you think you are hungry, your stomach may start to growl. While depression is considered a mental health disorder, there are many ways that depression can affect our bodies physically. It is essential to be physically and mentally healthy, which starts with receiving treatment […]

Which Tests Can Help Me Determine If I Have Schizophrenia?


Schizophrenia makes it hard to get through everyday tasks such as managing emotions, making decisions, thinking clearly, and interacting with people. It is tough to diagnose schizophrenia as there are currently no medical tests, and other mental health disorders can mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia. Luckily, there are several ways to determine whether or not […]

How Can You Help a Loved One Combat Delusions?

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse
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How Does Schizophrenia Differentiate From Other Disorders?

People with schizophrenia experience a combination of hallucinations, delusions, cognitive impairment, and disorganized thoughts and speech. These symptoms can be confused with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or even ADHD. Understanding how schizophrenia differs from other disorders can give you a clear picture of what you may be struggling with. Psychosis and Schizophrenia Psychosis can be […]

Why Mental Health Disorders Don’t Make You Weak

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding mental health disorders is that they result from weaknesses or flaws within a person’s character. These beliefs are far from accurate and actually serve to harm those living with mental health conditions. The more stigma a person faces, the more likely they are to believe what others are […]

What Do I Do When People Use Offensive Terms Based on Mental Illness?

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People tend to call others things like a “schizo” or “I’m so bipolar” without understanding that it is offensive to those diagnosed with those disorders. It can be offensive and minimizing to those who have schizophrenia or ADHD who cannot always control their symptoms. It is important to be careful with the words you use when […]

How the Stigmatization Behind Schizophrenia Can Affect Individuals Getting Help

Portrait of a bearded man

It is no secret that there is a significant amount of stigma surrounding mental illness. Mental health disorders such as schizophrenia that are not generally understood by modern society are especially at risk of facing prejudice, discrimination, and stigmatization. This can impact those struggling with the disorder, especially in terms of seeking help. They don’t […]