Tag Archives: Meth

Long-Term Effects of Meth Addiction

Individuals struggling with active addiction typically find themselves in a vicious cycle that they cannot escape from without help. Getting their hands on and using their drug of choice becomes the top priority, despite the negative consequences doing so has on their life. While many simply disregard the negative consequences, few take the time to […]

What New Medications Have Been Effective Towards Meth Treatment?

medication for meth addiciton

While there are three medications for opioid addiction treatment, there are no specific medications for meth addiction. A new study showed that the combination of treatment for opioid addiction and an antidepressant has the power to treat meth addiction. Using existing medication already approved by the FDA provides an opportunity for specific addictions to get […]

How are Opioid Funds Being Used for Cocaine and Meth Addiction?

Thousands of people have been dying from opioid addiction in recent years. In most states west of the Mississippi, meth is the biggest killer with cocaine ranking third. Unfortunately, the funding for opioid treatment is required to cover meth and cocaine treatment as well. With such limited funding available to cover these deadly addictions, it’s […]