Tag Archives: Mindfulness

Mindfulness Exercises for Staying Present

There are many ways to bolster your recovery over time and ensure you remain on the path to successful and sustained sobriety. Mindfulness is one of the best ways to stay present and cope with anxious thoughts, cravings, and negative feelings you may experience in recovery. Understanding the importance of mindfulness and what exercises you […]

Helpful Mantras for Recovery


When you are a recovering addict it can be easy to let negative self-talk get you down. You might tell yourself that “you can’t do this” or “you’ll never change.” Unfortunately, negative self-talk never helps anyone achieve his or her goals. Staying positive is an important part of staying healthy and beating your addiction. If […]

The Impact of One Good Day

Impact of a Good Day

Nearly everyone has regrets. We all have likely made a mistake in the past that makes us think, “What if I had done something differently?” or “Why was I so stupid?” We might hang on to our past and beat ourselves up over things we cannot change. We might stay stuck in this mental space, […]

How Can Mindfulness Help with Racial Trauma?

The ongoing police violence and the nationwide protests targeting people of color have had a traumatizing affect on many members of the community. Unaddressed, this trauma can cause lasting damage to both physical and emotional well-being. Practicing mindfulness after a protest or any encounter with racism, can reduce stress and anxiety and improve the ability […]

Stereotypes About Schizophrenia

possibilities life

Television and film often engage in portraying characters who exemplify negative stereotypes about schizophrenia. Too often, their presence is limited to people with frequent, often violent, outbursts. These fictionalized schizophrenics are shown as either living in or in need of institutionalization in psychiatric hospitals. They are to be feared or pitied, which is a gross […]

Five CBT-Based Activities You Can Do This Summer

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Addiction often takes us away from the people, places, and things that ground us. Hobbies that we used to adore are put on the back burner, and responsibilities are no longer important. This happens because addiction is a disease of the brain – and once you’ve reached the stage of addiction recovery, it’s time to […]

What Is Mindfulness and How Can It Help Me?

What Is Mindfulness and How Can It Help Me?

Mindfulness has become a sort of “buzzword” across social media recently. Nonetheless, it is an incredibly important practice that can shape your life if you allow it to. Mindfulness is defined as the ability to stay tuned into the present moment. This can be unnerving at times, especially if you struggle with anxiety, depression, or […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Mindfulness for Addiction Recovery

Your Ultimate Guide to Mindfulness for Addiction Recovery

It’s already hard to focus in on the present moment with all of the stressors that bog us down, but those who battle with addiction face an added layer of distraction. Substances like alcohol and other drugs bring us out of our natural element and into a state of mind that goes against our natural […]