Tag Archives: mood

What Good Changes Can You Expect When You Take Antidepressants?

Capsule drug medicine pill icon

Antidepressants work by restoring a healthy balance to the chemicals in the brain that impacts your mood. It is important to remember that antidepressants are not a quick fix. Speaking to your therapist about what to expect when you first take antidepressants will prevent surprises as your brain becomes healthier and happier. Improve Your Mood […]

Can How You Dress When Staying Home Affect Your Mood?

how you dress at home

Staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic may mean that you spend more time in your pajamas or wearing sweatshirts while you do your online work. Psychologists believe that the way we dress when we are not presenting ourselves to the public makes a difference in our mental health and productivity. Making the effort to […]

What Is Neuroticism?


We hear the term “neuroticism” used all the time, especially between friends, loved ones, and when discussing other people. What exactly does it mean? Why is it used so much, and is it being used correctly? Neuroticism is characterized by an individual’s tendency to experience negative emotions, particularly in response to stress. People who are […]