Tag Archives: Motivation

Affirmations to Help You Start Your Week

Affirmations to Help You Start Your Week

Now that the weekend is over, it is time to get back to work on Monday and do your best. However, sometimes Sunday nights can feel sluggish or put you down. Perhaps you are anxious, stressed, or depressed about the week ahead. While you cannot control everything that happens to you, there are things you […]

Lessons From Bad Days

Learning Lessons

Everyone has had bad days in their recovery where they feel down, hopeless, and like they can’t continue. These days can feel debilitating and as though life is out to get you. However, while bad days are unpleasant, they are crucial to your recovery because they build your strength. The good days will motivate you […]

Finding Motivation for Your Treatment


You might not feel motivated to seek treatment for your mental health issues and addictions. Finding motivation for treatment can be difficult. You might be concerned about the challenges of treatment. You might feel like treatment is not effective if you have relapsed in the past. You might be concerned about detox and withdrawal symptoms […]

One Simple Way to Jump-Start Your Recovery


When we are experiencing difficulty with a mental health concern or an addiction, we might be letting our everyday lives get out of control. Our self-care and hygiene might be less important to us. We might be developing unhealthy habits: eating fast food, sleeping all day, obsessing with our phones, or not cleaning up our […]

Find a New Focus for a Positive Mindset

Positive Mindset

When you are struggling with addiction and mental illness, you might be stuck in your head. You may have a difficult time getting out of your own thinking. You may feel overwhelmed by your own thoughts or distressed by what you are feeling. While you’re in recovery, you may need to learn to get out […]

Tricking Our Brains to Start Something New

Finding Hobbies

When experiencing mental illness symptoms, your mind might be chatting away in negative or anxious thought patterns. You may get caught up in your mind and feed into these thoughts easily. You can learn to get out of your head and get back into your life! You might need something new to find your focus. […]

Benefits of Emotional Support Pets for Addicts

Benefits of Emotional Support Pets for Addicts

Emotional support pets offer support and companionship to those suffering from a psychological disorder. 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. lives with a mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. How can emotional support pets benefit addicts? According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, substance use disorders and […]

Your Guidebook to Relapse Cues

Religion and Spirituality in Recovery

Relapse is probably one of the most commonly feared aspects of recovery, yet there is so much insight that can be gained from discussing and learning about it. While relapse prevention is certainly an important area of exploration for those in sobriety, relapse itself can teach people a lot about what’s working for them in […]

What Should People with Depression Do If They Cannot Exercise?

Doctors normally recommend that you exercise two to three times a day for at least half an hour to help with depression. But, what if you do not have the motivation to do so? Find a personalized way to make it easier on yourself to exercise, it will be part of your new routine to […]