Tag Archives: Pandemic

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Teens’ Health?

young female teenagers wearing masks while standing on stairs of university|

Adolescents have been going through a confusing time in their lives because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kids have not been able to attend school or socialize like they used to. When the pandemic took away socialization and brought the fear of catching the COVID-19 virus into their lives, a number of mental health issues arose. […]

How Do I Know I Have Anxiety Over the Pandemic?

stressed out mad sitting

Anxiety stems from fear, and COVID-19 has created a pandemic of fear and anxiety for many people. Constantly receiving information and realizing we have little control over our actions in getting rid of this virus has been a struggle for people to manage. If you are over-correcting your behavior or having unhealthy thought patterns, there […]

Can Socializing Emotionally Drain You During the Pandemic?

Coronavirus infected man during social distancing

With the availability of vaccines increasing worldwide, more people will be open to going back to their old social habits. The truth is that the transition from isolation to socialization can actually be very draining. It is important to remember that feeling emotionally drained when transitioning back to socialization is normal as we are so used […]

Why Are Digital Pills Promising for Mental Health Conditions?


Traditional medical pills have been around since the ancient Egyptians used them, but one of the biggest problems of traditional pills is that half of the patients take them at the wrong time, the wrong dose, or do not take them at all. People might have problems remembering to take the medication or problems opening […]

Has the Pandemic Convinced Doctors to Take Mental Health Seriously?

Man with bottle of water sitting on grass

Mental Health America reported that in September 2020, depression and anxiety hit an all-time high. Mental health has been known to take a back-seat to physical health despite the staggering statistics. Luckily, the pandemic has made doctors more aware of the link between physical health and mental health in the anxiety people have felt in […]

Why is it Important for Kids to Have a Mental Health Day in Today’s World?


Recently, companies have been encouraging mental health days for their employees to be mentally fit. With the ongoing pandemic, kids have had to change their routine around distance learning, being isolated from their friends and family, not being able to participate in extracurriculars, and other changes while living in this uncertain world. Once kids start […]

How Can Parents Deal with the Stress of Homeschooling During the Pandemic?

Man turning air conditioning on while watching football with grandson

Homeschooling may be very new to you since you had to keep your kids at home because of the pandemic. It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed during the school year since you have not homeschooled your kids before. It is best to create a simple homeschooling routine for you and your kids and […]

How is a Year of Too Much Drinking, Sitting, and Stress Bad For Your Body?

staying home during the pandemic

This pandemic has created new routines for us during the year as we stay at home. People may be drinking more, not being as active anymore, and not socializing. By keeping in mind all of the unhealthy habits you have developed during this past year, you have the power to use healthy coping methods to […]

What are Ways to Manage Bipolar Disorder During the Pandemic?

bipolar disorder during COVID-19

Having bipolar disorder means living with the challenges of managing your triggers so you do not have dramatic mood changes. Some people may be prone to manic episodes where they feel excited, angry, or energized, whereas others experience more depressive episodes. To help yourself with bipolar triggers during one of the most stressful times in […]