Tag Archives: panic

Could I Have an Anxiety Disorder?

Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anxiety has the ability to cripple us and cause us to feel as though we’re losing touch with reality. Depending on the person, anxiety can lead to headaches, insomnia, chest pains, panic attacks, light sensitivity issues, and much more. These symptoms can range in severity, but, without the proper support, it’s not uncommon for those […]

Focusing Your Anxiety


Understanding anxieties and learning to cope with them are massive undertakings. For some, the goal is to live alongside their anxiety using a healthy outlet, rather than seeing stress as a purely antagonistic force to be beaten and overcome.     While anxiety and panic seem all-encompassing in their overwhelming presence, they are much more than […]

Finding the World While It’s Crashing Down

Suffering from anxiety and panic can take a massive toll on our bodies and minds. Anxiety can dictate each action and cause our perception of the world to change. Over time, it reframes our outlook, skewing our perception through a lens of pure fear. This causes those suffering to process sounds and images incorrectly or […]