Tag Archives: Paranoia

What is Pandemic Paranoia?


The John Hopkins Psychiatry Guide says that paranoia is “a response to perceived threats that are heavily influenced by anxiety and fear, existing along a continuum of normal, reality-based experience to delusional beliefs.” With the stress, misinformation, and uncertainty during the pandemic, it has been hard for people to feel calm, leading to paranoid thoughts. […]

Living With Mental Illness: What Many Americans Experience

Researchers Develop a Mental Health Website for the LGBTQ2+ Community and Their Mental Healthcare Providers

Mental illness affects millions of people across the United States each year. While our society doesn’t talk about it as often – because it’s considered taboo – so many people can relate to the feelings of being depressed, anxious, paranoid, among other mental illness symptoms. The more that we understand mental illness and what it […]

Can Addiction Cause Paranoia?

Can Addiction Cause Paranoia?

Many substances can cause changes in perception and behavior, and those that cause paranoia are said to cause “substance induced psychosis”. When this occurs, both delusions and paranoia may take place; Mental Health America (MHA) defines paranoia as, “…Intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat or conspiracy.” A person with […]