Tag Archives: parenting

Parenting With a Mental Health Disorder

being a better day

Being a parent is a daunting task as you guide your little human along the extensive journey of life. However, you may be more worried about this process if you struggle with a mental health disorder. You may worry that it will affect your parenting and relationship with your child or pass down and cause […]

How Does Being a Bully Lead to Substance Abuse as an Adult?


Kids who bully tend to impose harm on others as a way of dealing with their depression. A study published in Pediatrics journal in March 2021 discovered that childhood bullying had a stronger link to later alcohol, drugs, and tobacco use later in life. To prevent your child from developing substance abuse disorder, it is […]

What is the Key to Keeping Dads Happy?

post natal

We tend to hear about the struggles of motherhood, like postpartum depression, but we rarely hear about the difficulties that fathers go through. Although culturally, fathers tend to be seen as the ‘working’ parent, it turns out that they can actually benefit from increased participation in caring for their kids. In fact, a new study […]

A Parent Who Struggles With Addiction or Alcoholism


A parent is supposed to be the person in your life who sets an example of how to live and guides you. What about when you have a parent who suffers from addiction or alcoholism? Dealing with this can cause a lot of difficult emotions in a child, including anger, resentment, confusion, and fear for […]

Can a Sibling Replace a Parent?

parents|Can a sibling replace a parent?

Substance use disorders (SUDs) within families affect everyone. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway website, children’s needs must be met and enacted by parents. In the case of parents with SUDs, these needs may not be their main priority, as the substance itself becomes the main source of importance to them.  Who Is Responsible […]