Tag Archives: Parents

Why Are Kids Afraid to Talk to Their Parents About Their Mental Health?


Kids tend to think that their parents expect perfection. Telling their parents about their mental illness symptoms would mean exposing their faults. Consequently, many kids suffer in silence to avoid ‘disappointing’ their parents. This is unfortunate, as no one should have to navigate mental health issues alone. There is no shame in struggling with mental […]

A Parent Who Struggles With Addiction or Alcoholism


A parent is supposed to be the person in your life who sets an example of how to live and guides you. What about when you have a parent who suffers from addiction or alcoholism? Dealing with this can cause a lot of difficult emotions in a child, including anger, resentment, confusion, and fear for […]

How Can I Focus on My Needs When My Parent Develops Alcohol Use Disorder?

How Can I Focus on My Needs When My Parent Develops Alcohol Use Disorder?

When a parent develops an addiction to alcohol, shifts in mood and behaviors altered by the addictive substance can inflict unintentional trauma on each member of the family and the familial unit. If your parent exhibits signs of alcohol reliance, such as irritability, memory loss, drinking constantly, drinking alone, and ranking drinking above other activities, […]

What Can Parents Do to Prevent Their Teens From Driving Drunk?

Letting your child drive drunk can be a deadly mistake. Alcohol can impair your reaction time, vision, and judgment. By preventing your teen from driving drunk, you could be saving their lives and the lives of others on the road. What is the Best Way to Lay Down the Rules of Alcohol Use and Driving? […]

Why Is It Hard For Parents to Spot Signs of Depression in Their Children?

Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say that they have trouble recognizing depression in their child. These parents may feel like anything their child is feeling now will blow over when they get older. By recognizing the signs of depression in your child, you can do something early to ensure that your child will grow […]