Tag Archives: Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure and Substance Use: How Do I Walk Away?

Peer Pressure and Substance Use: How Do I Walk Away?

“Peer pressure” is most commonly associated with misbehaving high school students, but the phenomenon can occur at any age. As you continue on your journey in recovery, you may find friends, coworkers, and other acquaintances urging you to engage in group activities that involve substances despite your efforts to maintain sobriety. When the pressure to […]

Addiction and the Teenage Brain: How will drugs impact my teenage son?

Addiction and the Teenage Brain: How will drugs impact my teenage son?

Teens are at a higher risk for developing an addiction to drugs and alcohol due to brain development. The adolescent brain is still under construction and won’t be complete until about twenty-five years of age. Consequently, teens are more likely to have problems with substance abuse and addiction than older adults because of their lack […]

How Can You Deal with Peer Pressure and Stay Sober?

Any time friends, colleagues, or people in your friend group put pressure on you to do something, that is called peer pressure. Most of it is considered negative, high-risk behavior that might cause harm to yourself or others. This may include reckless driving, smoking, drinking, or using drugs. Teenagers are most prone to peer pressure, […]

3 Challenges for Extroverts in Recovery

The majority of people lean toward extraversion. Although no one is purely introverted or extroverted, studies estimate that extroverts make up somewhere between 50 and 74 percent of the population. Extroverts are people who get energy from being around other people, while introverts are people who get energy from being alone. While everyone needs some […]