Tag Archives: Physical Health

Are Schizophrenics Dangerous?

Are Schizophrenics Dangerous? 3 Myths About People With Schizophrenia
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Healthy Ways to Get Out of a Depressive Episode


Everyone experiences depression from time to time. However, those who have a depression disorder go through episodes more often that can leave them feeling drained, unmotivated, and hopeless. Depressive episodes can be especially difficult to deal with when they seemingly appear out of nowhere. Your life seems to be going in the right direction when all […]

Why Does Anxiety Make Me Get Up in the Middle of the Night?

Urinals in a men restroom

When someone’s anxiety levels go through the roof, they may feel like going to the bathroom. Frequent urination is a common symptom of anxiety. Knowing why you need to use the restroom many times when you feel anxious can motivate you to seek treatment for it. Fight or Flight Response When things are running typically […]

Has the Pandemic Convinced Doctors to Take Mental Health Seriously?

Man with bottle of water sitting on grass

Mental Health America reported that in September 2020, depression and anxiety hit an all-time high. Mental health has been known to take a back-seat to physical health despite the staggering statistics. Luckily, the pandemic has made doctors more aware of the link between physical health and mental health in the anxiety people have felt in […]

How Do I Know if My Relationships Are Unhealthy?

How Do I Know if My Relationships Are Unhealthy?

Sometimes addiction provides us with a circle of people to spend time with, but they’re not necessarily what’s best for us. They may stick around when we’re up for partying – but quickly fade away from the scene once sobriety is sought. One of the more challenging aspects of recovery is learning to let go […]

How Does Journaling for Recovery Impact Your Health?

journaling in recovery

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes how journaling positively impacts one’s health. Journaling helps people in a variety of ways, including keeping a food and activity diary for those individuals dealing with diabetes or other physical diseases dependent upon diet and exercise. Furthermore, keeping a diary allows one to pinpoint reasons for […]

Health Conditions Caused by Anxiety

Health Conditions Caused by Anxiety

It is true that the health of the mind impacts the health of the body. Our bodies react in different ways depending on how stressed we are. By understanding what our body does when we are stressed out, you will be able to report your physical symptoms to a doctor in order to relieve them. […]

Is Improving my Physical Health an Important Part of my Recovery?

Is Improving my Physical Health an Important Part of my Recovery?

When we think about recovery from active addiction, we tend to think about twelve step meetings, counseling sessions, and connecting with a power greater than ourselves. Indeed, these are crucial to our recovery and key to beginning our spiritual growth. Also important to our recovery is our physical health. Although we sometimes think of our […]