Tag Archives: Positivity

What Is the Difference Between Toxic Positivity and Gratitude?

Gratitude involves making a conscious effort to reflect on life’s gifts and cultivate an appreciative mindset towards them. On the other hand, toxic positivity demands that you only view experiences in a positive light, no matter how tragic the circumstance. By knowing the difference between gratitude and toxic positivity, you can maintain a realistic view […]

Good Vibes Only: Understanding Toxic Positivity

Have you ever been looking at recovery quotes or spaces and seen the phrase “good vibes only?” If you have been to a recovery space in the last year, you have most likely seen this posted. However, even with its good intentions, “good vibes only” actually rests in a place of toxic positivity. Feeling happy […]

Hope Is Fundamental for Recovery

Happy couple

Addiction recovery is a continuous battle on a long journey. You will have times of great success where you feel like you’re on top of the world and you will also have times of great struggle. While everyone’s journey to recovery is unique, with different valleys and hills to go through, it is important to […]

The Impact of One Good Day

Impact of a Good Day

Nearly everyone has regrets. We all have likely made a mistake in the past that makes us think, “What if I had done something differently?” or “Why was I so stupid?” We might hang on to our past and beat ourselves up over things we cannot change. We might stay stuck in this mental space, […]