Tag Archives: psychotherapy

Why Choose Therapy Over Self-Treatment?

Therapy vs. Self-Treatment
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Are There Different Types of Group Therapy?

Researchers Develop a Mental Health Website for the LGBTQ2+ Community and Their Mental Healthcare Providers

Recovery involves so many different aspects of healing and restoration – therapy is just one way that people in recovery can grow. Group psychotherapy sessions provide a unique, safe space for those seeking sobriety to build a larger connection with others who are pursuing the same goals. Group therapy is also a way to share […]

Is It Possible to Treat Co-Occurring Disorders Such As Bipolar Disorder and ADHD?

Healthy Ways to Reintegrate into Your Family's Lives

Dual diagnosis occurs when a person has two co-occurring disorders at the same time. This affects millions of people each year. If you have a dual diagnosis, it’s important that you seek as soon as possible to begin treatment. Dual diagnoses can involve a variety of symptoms which can make it difficult to actively participate […]