Tag Archives: Recovery

The Changing Definition of Rock Bottom

When discussing addiction, one of the most commonly used phrases is “hitting rock bottom.” While this phrase is popular, almost every person will have a different definition of rock bottom, and how it appeared to them. With this ever-changing definition, how can one expect to wait until it happens to seek help? The answer is, […]

A Day in the Life at Alta Loma

For individuals struggling with addiction who are thinking of going into treatment, the unknown can be terrifying. You may not know what to expect, adding to your fears surrounding recovery. At Alta Loma Transformational Services, we want to be transparent with current and potential residents. For these reasons, we want to offer you a glimpse […]

Explaining Medication Management in Addiction Recovery

Many treatment programs around the country that help those struggling with addiction and mental health use medication-assisted treatment (MAT). The use of medications is encouraged throughout the treatment process to help manage symptoms and reduce the chance of relapse as long as the person is using them under careful supervision and the doses are managed.  […]

Finding Self-Esteem in Recovery

Addiction is a disease that feeds on low self-esteem. When you struggle with addiction, your brain convinces you that you don’t deserve better than your current situation. This facet of addiction can make it challenging to find the strength to recover. For these reasons, maintaining healthy self-esteem is crucial for recovery; ultimately helping you avoid […]

Recovering Without Family Support

Complex Mental Conditions

Addiction is often called a “family disease” because it affects not only the person struggling but those closest to them as well. Unfortunately, because of the pain addiction often causes, many family members may choose to cut off the person struggling from their lives to protect their own well-being. This can be difficult for the […]

Why Rest Is a Productive Activity

American culture has placed a significant emphasis on the importance of working hard. Many individuals work Monday through Friday, eight hours a day, with little to no breaks. The weekend may seem like a break, but most people spend the time catching up on household chores such as cleaning, grocery shopping, and family time.    […]

Why Relapse Does Not Erase Progress in Recovery

Maintaining sobriety for days, weeks, months, or years is a phenomenal achievement that you should be proud of. However, because addiction is a chronic disease, you will have to consistently work on your recovery throughout your life. Many people find themselves in challenging moments that result in a return to drugs and alcohol, known as […]

The Benefits of CrossFit in Addiction Recovery

Exercise is a crucial piece of recovering from addiction because it keeps your body healthy, boosts your mood, gives you energy, and helps your body heal. For these reasons, treatment facilities across the country implement some kind of exercise within their daily schedule for patients to take advantage of. However, not everyone enjoys the same […]

The‌ ‌Importance‌ ‌of‌ ‌Courage‌ ‌in‌ ‌Recovery‌

Finding Light|Depression

Recovering from addiction is one of the hardest things you will ever do, but it is worth all of the challenges and obstacles you have to overcome. No matter how discouraged you feel in recovery, it is crucial to remember that you have made a courageous decision to take control of your life. Throughout your […]