Tag Archives: Relapse

Men’s Addiction Treatment in Austin, TX

Man with Mental Health Issues
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The Changing Definition of Rock Bottom

When discussing addiction, one of the most commonly used phrases is “hitting rock bottom.” While this phrase is popular, almost every person will have a different definition of rock bottom, and how it appeared to them. With this ever-changing definition, how can one expect to wait until it happens to seek help? The answer is, […]

Why Relapse Does Not Erase Progress in Recovery

Maintaining sobriety for days, weeks, months, or years is a phenomenal achievement that you should be proud of. However, because addiction is a chronic disease, you will have to consistently work on your recovery throughout your life. Many people find themselves in challenging moments that result in a return to drugs and alcohol, known as […]

Signs of a Depression Relapse

Despite what many people believe, depression treatment does not cure the disorder. Instead, it helps individuals learn to manage their symptoms for a happy, healthy, and productive life. However, it is possible to experience a depression relapse where symptoms return. Learning how to spot signs of a depression relapse early on can help you take […]

How to Support a Friend in Recovery That Has Relapsed

Throughout your recovery journey, you will meet many individuals working hard to maintain their sobriety just like you. As you lean on each other for support and enjoy your time together, it is understandable to be shocked, heartbroken, or even disappointed when a fellow sober companion relapses. You may want to support them but are […]

How is COVID-19 Adding Triggers to Veterans Struggling with Substance Abuse?

Tough events like the global pandemic, political and civil tensions, and even natural disasters can trigger negative feelings. Unfortunately, people such as veterans use drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with these feelings and are unable to cope with exercise, hobbies, and family. Veterans need to seek treatment even during these confusing times […]

How to Stop Overthinking in Recovery

are you drinking too much

While you are in recovery, you most likely have a lot on your mind. It is natural to have anxiety about your past and future, especially when your sobriety is at risk. However, having these rapid thoughts can place you in more jeopardy than you realize. Overthinking in recovery can lead you to relapse if […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Addiction


COVID-19 stormed the world in March 2020, forcing many countries to enforce a country-wide lockdown. Now, ten months later, the impact of this global pandemic is still being felt by those in addiction recovery. A rise in relapses has occurred since the start of the pandemic, and they are still happening all over the United […]

What Caused Actor Dax Shepard to Relapse?


There is always a risk of relapse occurring, even if it has been years since you last touched an addictive drug. “Parenthood” actor Dax Shepard first became addicted to drugs at the age of 18. Since then, he has had two drug relapses throughout his recovery. With the help of his wife, actress Kristen Bell, […]

How Did John Goodman Tackle His Alcoholism?

|healthy recovery

John Goodman is a talented actor known for his breakout role as Dan Conner in “Roseanne” as well as “Monster’s Inc.,” “The Flintstones,” and more. Goodman has also had his struggles dealing with alcoholism and overeating. By understanding John Goodman’s story of addiction recovery, we can learn that anyone can struggle with addiction and can […]