Tag Archives: Relapse

How Did DJ and Podcast Host Matt Pinfield Recover From Addiction During Quarantine?

covid depression

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected a lot of people who are struggling with addiction, cutting them off from the support that is so vital to their recovery. DJ, MTV VJ, and podcast host of “In a Lonely Place,” Matt Pinfield was one of countless individuals whose addiction recovery was further complicated by the pandemic. With […]

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) is a lifelong process that requires you to address and eradicate unhealthy behaviors developed during an extended period of substance abuse. The journey to recovery is not always smooth or comfortable, especially during your first months of sobriety. You will have to face the underlying causes of your SUD […]

How Can I Redesign My Home to Make It More Positive?

How Can I Redesign My Home to Make It More Positive?

The excitement of initiating your recovery journey is pervasive. Now that you’ve decided to seek treatment for substance abuse, you’re ready for some more changes in your social circles, workspace, and your own home. Wanting to reinvigorate the environments you inhabit shows optimism that will benefit you as you progress through recovery. Keep that spirit […]

What Types of People Do I Need in My Support Network?

What Types of People Do I Need in My Support Network?

Building a support network in recovery is critical to your journey. Your network will offer guidance, comfort, relief, and some tough love as you progress in your recovery from substance abuse. When selecting the friends, family, and mental health professionals to comprise your support network, make sure to choose people who will help you move […]

Ways to Keep Busy During Recovery

Ways to Keep Busy during Recovery

Workplace stress can incite or increase symptoms of substance abuse disorders. For those who suffer work-related anxiety or depression, stepping away from the job to focus on recovery from substance abuse is a healthy choice. Without the time commitment of a full- or part-time job, however, they may find that they are frequently restless and […]

Can E-Cigarettes Cause You to Relapse in Smoking?

Can E-Cigarettes Cause You to Relapse in Smoking?

Medical News Bulletin says that 34 million Americans smoke and that smoking starts typically in a person’s teen years. When youth are encouraged to pick up flavored alternatives like vaping, it can actually increase the number of young smokers. You must abstain from vaping if you used to smoke, as it can increase your chances […]

Threats and Solutions to the Addict During a Pandemic

Finding Light|Depression

Struggling with addiction is difficult on the best day. When battling addiction while simultaneously fighting the risk of a virus, fear can quickly begin to feel like a threat to your sobriety. Dr. Peter Grinspoon recently published an article entitled “A tale of two epidemics: When COVID-19 and opioid addiction collide.” He explains that addicts […]

Don’t Let Fear of Failure Undermine Your Recovery

Don’t Let Fear of Failure Undermine Your Recovery

Recovery can be incredibly difficult to navigate at times. It’s particularly scary at the very beginning when you don’t know what to expect. Seeking treatment is a major change – and starting recovery can be nerve-racking, because we all crave what we’ve been used to. It’s also not uncommon for those in early recovery to […]

How Can Forgiveness Prevent Relapse?


Relapse is considered a very taboo subject for those in addiction recovery, often because nobody wants to associate themselves with that feeling of “going back,” “failing” or even the sense of “being weak.” Despite what you may have heard about relapse, it is a common occurrence for many of us in recovery. It can be […]

The Basics of Drug Use and Addiction, or Substance Use Disorder

The Basics of Drug Use and Addiction

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease, which is characterized by drug-seeking behaviors. These compulsive behaviors continue to persist despite dangerous consequences. Furthermore, addiction leads to permanent changes within the brain. Addiction, or substance use disorder (SUD), is a mental illness and a multifaceted brain disorder.   Substance Use Disorders Impact Everyone SUDs may be […]