Tag Archives: Relapse

Treating Compulsive Drinking: Why is Moderating Drinking Difficult for Some People and Not Others?

moderate drinking

A specific circuit in the brain may be able to be targeted to treat compulsive drinking habits, according to research. The journal of Biological Psychiatry reported that there might be dysfunction in a certain pathway within the brain that normally keeps drinking habits in line. This important discovery can impact the millions of adult’s battling […]

Are Cravings Dangerous for People Trying to Recover?

Are Cravings Dangerous for People Trying to Recover?

Cravings are an incredibly common experience for those recovering from addiction, no matter how long they’ve been in recovery; fortunately, they do fade away the longer a person is sober. Throughout the first year of recovery, cravings can reach their peak intensity – and if a person isn’t careful, they may find that relapse takes […]

What Do You Do After a Relapse?

What Do You Do After a Relapse?

Relapse is common in people recovering from addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 40 and 60 percent of people relapse within a year of receiving treatment for addiction. However, relapse doesn’t mean failure. Many people relapse several times before succeeding in recovery. What matters most is what you do after a […]

When is it Too Late to Recover from Addiction?

When is it Too Late to Recover from Addiction?

Addiction affects people of all ages. Although substance use most often initially becomes a problem between the ages of 18 and 25, you can develop a substance use disorder at any age or a substance use disorder you developed at a young age may continue for decades. Since addiction is a chronic, progressive disease, it […]