Tag Archives: Relationship

How Does Childhood Emotional Neglect Differ From Borderline Personality Disorder?

Both borderline personality disorder (BPD) and childhood emotional neglect (CEN) stem from dysfunctional parental involvement in childhood. While they have many symptoms in common, there are significant differences in their root causes and presentations. BPD tends to result from inconsistent parental involvement, leaving a child unsure of what to expect daily. At times parental figures […]

Reconciling With Your Spouse After Treatment

Why Is Your Dominant Emotional Style Important to Your Mental Health?

Addiction is often called a family disease because it affects the person actively struggling and those around them. Families can be torn apart due to the lies, deceit, and destruction during active addiction. Based on how things end when the person struggling goes to treatment, they may believe that any hope of reconciling with family […]

Are People With Depression More Likely to Cheat in a Relationship?

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How Does Frustration Play a Role in Addiction?


It is hard for many people to tolerate their frustration, making them prone to depend on unhealthy substances like drugs. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston conducted a new study to see how frustration played a factor in addiction. By going into addiction treatment, you will not miss out on learning about healthy […]

Why is Ghosting Painful and How Can You Cope Better?

Why is Ghosting Painful and How Can You Cope Better?

Ghosting can be a painful, excruciating experience for people who are cut off from someone they are connected to. It may be a friend, colleague, dating partner, or a long-time friend. Sometimes, even family can ghost someone after a while, with no contact or reason why. The reasons people just ‘disappear’ varies, but it can […]