Tag Archives: Relationships

Dating After Sobriety

dating sobriety

Many drug and alcohol addiction groups recommend that people wait a year before dating after sobriety. One of the main reasons cited for this is the risk that the joy associated with dating or beginning a relationship can feel like a “high,” acting as a replacement for a previous drink or drug of choice. Another […]

How Soon Is Too Soon to Start Dating in Early Recovery?

How Soon Is Too Soon to Start Dating in Early Recovery?

Humans are social creatures, and after spending some time by ourselves, we’re eager to jump into the social world and find companionship. Dating is an exciting experience that allows us to explore new places, enjoy different foods or activities, and, most importantly, develop an intimate relationship. Looking for a romantic relationship during your 12-Step program, […]

When Friends Aren’t Supportive of Your Recovery, It’s Time to End the Relationship

When Friends Aren’t Supportive of Your Recovery

When you confront your substance addiction and begin your journey to recovery, most friends and family members will be extremely supportive. The people in your life who truly care about your wellbeing will be excited to see you pursue a life path that will bring you emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Some people, however, might pose […]

How Do I Tell My Significant Other That I Need Time to Focus on My Mental Health?

How Do I Tell My Significant Other That I Need Time to Focus on My Mental Health?

The path of recovery is never straight. As you move forward in your recovery from substance addiction, you will encounter obstacles that require total mental and emotional focus to overcome. A healthy romantic relationship also deserves equal and constant attention from each partner. You may find that simultaneously maintaining your relationship and pursuing recovery is […]

What to Look Out for If Addiction Runs in Your Family

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The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) finds that genetic makeup can account for half of the risk of developing a substance addiction. A genetic predisposition coupled with an unhealthy environment such as a high-stress workspace may greatly increase your chances of developing a substance addiction. If a parent or relative struggles with addiction, it’s […]

How Can You Deal with Family Burnout?

How Can You Deal with Family Burnout?

With schools being closed and millions of Americans unemployed, families are forced to spend a lot of time together. With the current rise in cases and delayed re-opening, families will have to stay together longer than expected. Do what you can to alleviate family burnout and avoid strained relationships during the pandemic and beyond. How […]

Redefining Intimacy with a Partner During Recovery

Redefining Intimacy with a Partner during Recovery

Substance use disorders alter behavior, causing individuals to act in unusual and unexpected ways. Dramatic shifts in personality can strain a romantic relationship, causing partners to distance themselves from each other. With treatment, the adverse effects of long-term substance abuse can subside, and a familiar order may re-establish itself. However, the rift caused by the […]

How Did Randy Kemp Turn His Life Around During Recovery?

What is Producer Joey Youngman’s Story on Anxiety and Addiction Recovery?

Drug addiction can be a hard habit to kick, and recovery is rarely a simple, straightforward process. Randy Kemp used to struggle with drug addiction over twenty years ago. After sticking with addiction recovery, Randy Kemp turned his life around by reuniting with the son he gave up for adoption when he was just a […]

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance|

According to an article published by American Addiction Centers entitled “Guide to Sober Dating,” a lot of treatment programs don’t recommend that their clients seek romantic or sexual relationships in the first year of treatment. The first year in recovery is the hardest. You will need to dedicate your time, energy, and focus on fixing […]

What Is It Like to Live with Someone Who Is Battling Addiction?

When Friends Aren’t Supportive of Your Recovery

One of the hardest parts of living with someone who struggles with addiction is that change doesn’t come easy. The way that addiction affects the inner workings of the brain makes it incredibly difficult to overcome. The person in question likely has little control over realizing that they have a problem to begin with – […]