Tag Archives: Relationships

Making Friends in Treatment

Making Friends in Treatment

It’s been said that a friend is a gift we give ourselves. Before seeking treatment, your past support system may have been quite unhealthy. You likely spent time with individuals who encouraged your substance use, and felt more comfortable being around people who didn’t necessarily want you to seek out sobriety. Developing new friendships in […]

How Do I Know if My Relationships Are Unhealthy?

How Do I Know if My Relationships Are Unhealthy?

Sometimes addiction provides us with a circle of people to spend time with, but they’re not necessarily what’s best for us. They may stick around when we’re up for partying – but quickly fade away from the scene once sobriety is sought. One of the more challenging aspects of recovery is learning to let go […]

When Addiction Destroys Your Relationship

Relationships and addiction

No matter how long you’ve been with your significant other, it’s hard to say whether or not your relationship will be safe when tested with some of the most difficult circumstances of life, including addiction. In the beginning, you may have noticed that you or your partner were dabbling with substances bit by bit, but […]

Reaching Out to Someone With Depression

Depression can easily cut a person off from everyone in their lives, so providing help when they need it most can be difficult. The depressed individual may react very little when addressed or may be unresponsive to questions entirely. This does not mean that helping is futile, or that by trying to help, one is […]

How Can Relationships in Recovery Work?

How Can Relationships in Recovery Work?

 We met someone. They came out of nowhere when we were least expecting it. Fireworks go off! The connection is instant! The time together flies, the conversations are intense, powerful, and beautiful! It feels magical, and bliss sets in! The relationship status on social media changes. Love is amazing! Our whole outlook on life changes!  […]

Effects of Addiction on Family

family affected by addiction

Addiction impacts the entire family. Substance abuse co-occurring with psychiatric disorders can make matters even worse, taking a toll on everyone involved.    Substance abuse affects the family unit emotionally and financially, destroying relationships once central to the addict’s life.   Emotional Impact Family members experience emotions ranging from guilt and embarrassment to confusion, denial, […]

Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Not All Grief Involves Death: Grieving the Loss of a Significant Relationship

Most studies of grief focus on dealing with loss due to death and leave out grief experienced due to the loss of significant relationships. However, divorce, breakups, and cutting off major relationships can also lead one to experience the stages of grief.  The Stages of Grief The stages of grief are not simple steps. One […]

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

social anxiety disorder

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a complicated and multifaceted mental health condition. It is not just being shy, and instead involves: Avoidance of meeting new people Inability to leave one’s house for fear of communicating with others Turning down offers for social […]

Peer Relationships and Social Isolation: Their Impact on Substance Use

social isolation

A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) indicates that social relationships are pathways to addiction, as well as pathways to recovery. The research found that problem behaviors such as substance use are mainly due to peer relationships or social isolation. Positive peer relationships may help protect against substance use.    The […]

The Mental Health Benefits of Being Single

You may think that being single is the end of the world when you see all of your friends and relatives in a healthy relationship. The truth is that being single is a great way to get to know who you are instead of who you are with that person. Being single can allow you […]