Tag Archives: Relationships

How Do You Know When it is Time for a Friendship to End?

You may have been friends with someone for so long that you are not aware of the red flags that are right in front of you. You could also be keeping up with this friendship because you may not have any friends after, making it feel like a life sentence. It is important to reevaluate […]

When is the Best Time to Revisit Your Mental Health Treatment?

You may have had a mental health treatment plan that you have gone used to. Then, you decided to stop that treatment plan because you felt like you did not need it. It is important to know the signs that your mental health symptoms are returning so that you can go back to your treatment […]

Why Anxiety Might Look Different for Men

Why Anxiety Might Look Different for Men

Anxiety expresses itself differently in men than women. It might look like isolation, or it might look like extreme frustration and worry. It can look like symptoms of OCD, obsessing over things or objects. There are many ways individuals can experience anxiety. Find out why the man in your life might have symptoms of anxiety […]

Why is Dating in Early Recovery Discouraged?

Why is Dating in Early Recovery Discouraged?

After we have sobered up and have begun recovering from active addiction, we often begin to feel better. Not only have our bodies and minds begun to heal, but we have also started feeling some hopefulness and happiness—for some of us, for the first time in years. We begin to make new social connections, particularly […]

When Can You Start Dating in Addiction Recovery?

When Can You Start Dating in Addiction Recovery?

Most experts recommend  you have at least a year of solid recovery before entering a new relationship. Recovering from addiction is a big undertaking. You have to learn new, healthier coping mechanism, break old habits, make new friends, make healthy lifestyle changes, and address any co-occurring mental health issues. Then, after treatment, you have to […]