Tag Archives: Risk Factors

What Is the Difference Between ADHD and Schizophrenia?

The Difference Between Schizophrenia and ADHD
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Extreme Weather Events Can Affect Mental Health

weather anxiety

Many people are surprised to learn that extreme weather events can affect mental health. The need for mental health services typically elevates after a climate-related natural disaster. Events like flooding, tornados, and hurricanes can cause people to lose their homes, jobs and loved ones. Extreme weather events can disrupt food and freshwater resources, as well […]

What Are a Person’s Risk Factors for Relapse?

What Are a Person’s Risk Factors for Relapse?

Last year, the Huffington Post covered the story of Demi Lovato – who released a song called “Sober”, which talks about her potential relapse and drug overdose. Relapse is incredibly common for people in recovery, but for those who are “outsiders” to this world, there begs the common question: Why do people relapse, and what […]