Tag Archives: routine

How is a Year of Too Much Drinking, Sitting, and Stress Bad For Your Body?

staying home during the pandemic

This pandemic has created new routines for us during the year as we stay at home. People may be drinking more, not being as active anymore, and not socializing. By keeping in mind all of the unhealthy habits you have developed during this past year, you have the power to use healthy coping methods to […]

How a Daily Schedule Can Help Your Addiction Recovery


Having an everyday schedule for yourself is a great tool to keep you focused on your journey to recovery from addiction. Having a daily schedule will give structure to your day, so you will have less room to second guess yourself or make impulsive decisions. When you create a schedule you can more clearly map […]

The Value and Importance of Consistency in Recovery

Consistency is one of the most important aspects of recovery. When we are creating new and healthy habits to change our lifestyles, we need to be consistent. When we lack consistency, we are not able to form new habits. We are confusing ourselves and we are setting ourselves up for failure. When we remain consistent, […]

The Importance of Structure for Learning Healthy Habits

Structure for Addiction Recovery

When you are starting out in recovery from addiction, you may need to learn some new healthy habits that can curb your addiction. When you are learning new ways to approach life, you might benefit from having a structure to build your new routine; you need time to learn new habits. While in treatment, you […]

How Do You Overcome Exercise Anxiety?


While many people exercise to ease stress, others find that working out increases their anxiety. There can be many reasons for exercise-induced stress. Social pressure to conform to a certain body image; feeling overwhelmed by the many fitness options; setting unattainable goals; and body acceptance are just a few reasons people may feel anxiety around […]

Shake Up Your Self-Care Routine

Shake Up Your Self-Care Routine

Simple acts of self-care like preparing your favorite healthy meal or taking a few minutes to meditate may seem insignificant, but those little acts go a long way! Caring for your mind and body is important in recovery. The work you do in therapy is difficult, and you may find yourself feeling exhausted and, after […]

Ways to Keep Busy During Recovery

Ways to Keep Busy during Recovery

Workplace stress can incite or increase symptoms of substance abuse disorders. For those who suffer work-related anxiety or depression, stepping away from the job to focus on recovery from substance abuse is a healthy choice. Without the time commitment of a full- or part-time job, however, they may find that they are frequently restless and […]

Why Do We Need Structure?

Why Do We Need Structure?

The first step in recovery is admitting that we are powerless over drugs or alcohol and that our lives have become unmanageable. Addicts often live their lives in a self-centered way – doing whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it. A lot of us come from chaotic homes where our environment […]

Can We Learn to Love Ourselves in Recovery?

Coping With Crisis During Recovery

Addiction recovery is one of the hardest, most rewarding processes of a person’s life. Because it pushes us to re-discover ourselves, we come out stronger than we ever thought possible. Resilience is at the heart of recovery, and part of becoming more resilient is learning how we can love ourselves – through the good and […]

Sleep and Routine: Finding Stability in Recovery

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance|

Whether we realize it at the time or not, addiction truly does throw our body and mind out of balance. Our lives become chaotic and unmanageable at times – and once the ball has started rolling, it can be impossible to get back on track. We may fail to follow through with our responsibilities, struggle […]