Tag Archives: Seeking Treatment

The Unique Pain of Being a Suicide Survivor


The CDC reports that between 1999-2016, suicide rates in the U.S. rose nearly 30%. Mental health conditions often contribute to why a person dies by suicide. Other reasons include financial problems, relationship issues, health concerns, and substance use.  Suicide Survivors Harvard Medical School states that each time a person dies by suicide, they leave behind […]

What are Hidden Signs of Depression?

You may think that depression simply means being sad all the time. The truth is that depression has several less apparent symptoms. By discovering the hidden signs of depression, you will know when it is time to seek treatment. Why Does Not Having an Opinion Mean You Are Depressed? You may not have an opinion […]

4 Common Reasons People are Afraid to Enter Addiction Treatment

It can be hard for someone with a substance use disorder to even admit to having a problem. Addiction is tricky and it deploys all kinds of defense mechanisms to protect itself. Admitting to having a problem is a big step but some people who admit having a problem are still reluctant to enter treatment. […]