Tag Archives: Self Care

What to Look for in Residential Treatment Centers for Schizoaffective Disorder

Treatment Centers for Schizoaffective Disorder

Treatment centers for schizoaffective disorder are essential for individuals with this complex mental health condition, which intertwines symptoms of schizophrenia and mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder, profoundly impacting their daily functioning, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. For patients and caregivers, navigating its challenges can be overwhelming, underscoring the critical need for suitable treatment […]

The Importance of Self-Care in Mental Health Recovery

The Importance of Self-Care in Mental Health Recovery

Recovering from any type of mental health disorder is challenging. You are battling against your brain to live a healthy and productive life, and sometimes, no matter what you do, things may seem to never go your way. Getting treatment can help your mental health, but it is essential to know that treatment alone will […]

Parenting With a Mental Health Disorder

being a better day

Being a parent is a daunting task as you guide your little human along the extensive journey of life. However, you may be more worried about this process if you struggle with a mental health disorder. You may worry that it will affect your parenting and relationship with your child or pass down and cause […]

Learning to Let Go in Recovery

learning to let go

When you begin recovering from addiction, you must learn how to let go of your past life, past mistakes, and past ways of thinking. You must also let go of the way you think things should be in order to move forward. While letting go doesn’t mean you will be losing who you are as […]

How a Daily Schedule Can Help Your Addiction Recovery


Having an everyday schedule for yourself is a great tool to keep you focused on your journey to recovery from addiction. Having a daily schedule will give structure to your day, so you will have less room to second guess yourself or make impulsive decisions. When you create a schedule you can more clearly map […]

The Importance of Making Time for Yourself

Taking Time for Yourself

Your mental health and wellness are essential. You might have a hard time making the time to focus on yourself. You might start your day with many obligations that continually pile up as the day goes on. When you feel like you have no control over your time, you can start to feel trapped or […]

When Is It Time to Take a Mental Health Day?

When Is It Time to Take a Mental Health Day?

Our professional and social obligations keep us busy every hour of every day, and the constant stress of satisfying the needs of others without catering to your own needs takes a toll on mental health. Irritability, difficulty focusing, resentment toward others, sleeplessness, and loss of interest in work and social activities are all indicators that […]

Shake Up Your Self-Care Routine

Shake Up Your Self-Care Routine

Simple acts of self-care like preparing your favorite healthy meal or taking a few minutes to meditate may seem insignificant, but those little acts go a long way! Caring for your mind and body is important in recovery. The work you do in therapy is difficult, and you may find yourself feeling exhausted and, after […]

How Can You Have a Mental Health Day When Working at Home?

How Can You Have a Mental Health Day When Working at Home?

If you have been forced to work at home during these past few months, you may be feeling emotionally drained. While working from home, can you still take a mental health day? It is essential to provide yourself with a mental health day to re-energize and handle your home responsibilities. Why is it Important to […]