Tag Archives: Self-Esteem

How to Build Self-Esteem in Recovery

Self-esteem is one of the essential pieces of personality. High self-esteem is a predictor for happiness and healthy relationships, while low self-esteem is a predictor for addiction, depression, and crime. Feeling poorly about yourself can give you the sense that your actions don’t matter, and it can fuel self-destructive behavior, whereas feeling highly of yourself […]

Finding Self-Esteem in Recovery

Addiction is a disease that feeds on low self-esteem. When you struggle with addiction, your brain convinces you that you don’t deserve better than your current situation. This facet of addiction can make it challenging to find the strength to recover. For these reasons, maintaining healthy self-esteem is crucial for recovery; ultimately helping you avoid […]

How To Use Music as a Tool For Recovery

using music in recovery

Everyone in recovery is searching for that one thing that can spark motivation to keep going. There will be days when you feel as though you cannot keep pressing forward and heal, but finding the right outlet for these feelings will help you overcome them and continue on the path to sobriety. Music can be […]

How Negative Body Image Can Lead to Addiction

Addiction affects people in different ways, just as it has various causes depending on the person. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with symptoms of a mental health disorder, some use them to escape an unstable home life, and some use them to cope with the stresses at work or school. However, […]

Learning to Let Go in Recovery

learning to let go

When you begin recovering from addiction, you must learn how to let go of your past life, past mistakes, and past ways of thinking. You must also let go of the way you think things should be in order to move forward. While letting go doesn’t mean you will be losing who you are as […]

What Do You Do if You Have Been Having Thoughts About Self-Harm?


The coronavirus pandemic and widespread protests have brought on emotional and behavioral struggles for many, including self-harm. Self-harm is an unhealthy coping habit that can result in death. If you have started experiencing self-harm thoughts, it is important to speak to a therapist immediately and find coping habits that will not result in a fatal […]

Negative Body Image and Substance Reliance

Negative Body Image and Substance Reliance

Studies of children and adults reveal a correlation between poor body image and substance abuse. Willingness to change one’s physical appearance to achieve an unhealthy and unrealistic body type can lead individuals to replace food, social time, or sleep with alcohol and other substances. Negative self-image can also cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health […]

Low Self-Esteem or High Self-Esteem: How They Both Challenge Recovery

mental health

Contrary to popular belief, not all people with substance use disorders (SUDs) are plagued with low self-esteem. High self-esteem can cause its own unique set of problems when it comes to addiction recovery. Where Does Self-Esteem Come From? Self-esteem comes from experiences with people and activities. Childhood experiences play a huge factor. If you were […]

Can People in Recovery Ever Regain Their Self-Esteem?

Ways to Keep Busy during Recovery

They absolutely can – but it’s not always easy. Even when you achieve sobriety, feelings of self-doubt can still linger. Self-esteem is defined as a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value. In other words, it’s how much you appreciate or like yourself. When we drank and used substances, our self-esteem was very important […]