Tag Archives: Signs and Symptoms

How Do You Know You Have Emotional Dysregulation?

woman very sad and depressed by many things that lives in pajamas by the window with an attitude of pain and loneliness

Emotional dysregulation is a behavioral pattern of someone who has a hard time managing powerful emotions. As stated in an article by Cambridge University, “Emotion dysregulation is defined as patterns of emotional experience or expression that interfere with goal-directed activity.” Seeking out treatment for emotional dysregulation opens the door for learning how to control your […]

Asking Yourself If It’s Coronavirus or Anxiety

A tough question a growing number of people have been asking themselves lately is this: Is it Coronavirus or anxiety? It’s actually a two-fold question, relating to both mental and physical health.  Regular Anxiety vs. Coronavirus Anxiety The first concern many people are dealing with is whether or not they are having a so-called “normal” […]

Why Is Treatment Necessary for Co-Occurring Disorders?

Why Is Treatment Necessary for Co-Occurring Disorders?

Even as adults, we don’t always know how to handle situations that could be detrimental to our health and well-being. We make mistakes, bad choices, and don’t always use our judgment. If we’re not careful with some things, it could only make matters worse. Loved ones may be reaching out to us, explaining the symptoms […]

What is Important to Know About Anxiety in Children?

It can be hard for children to know whether or not they have anxiety as everyone experiences nervousness once in a while. Adults are able to notice the physical changes our body is going through during anxious episodes whereas kids may need guidance. By knowing if your child is experiencing anxiety, you will know to […]

Detecting Mental Illness: Signs Treatment May Be Needed

Detecting Mental Illness: Signs Treatment May Be Needed

Our society has become more open towards mental illness and the challenges that so many of us face – yet there are still many instances in which either our loved ones or ourselves may be battling with a condition we didn’t even know we had. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) reminds us that in many […]

6 Signs You Might Have an Anxiety Disorder

6 Signs You Might Have an Anxiety Disorder

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 18 percent of American adults, or about 40 million people, struggle with an anxiety disorder every year. Anxiety disorders include many conditions, such as social anxiety disorder, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, OCD, PTSD, and phobias. There’s a good chance you or someone you […]