Tag Archives: sober living

Men’s Addiction Treatment in Austin, TX

Man with Mental Health Issues
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Staying Sober During the Holidays


The holidays are finally here! Whether you’ve been waiting in excitement or you’ve been quietly dreading them, you cannot stop the holiday season from arriving. The holiday season is a time of year filled with temptations. You may be coping with how to celebrate the holidays now that you’re sober, or you may be coping […]

Why Consider Long-Term Treatment?

Long-Term Treatment

One of the most common myths about recovery is that treatment is a “quick fix” or something that can be done over a few weeks or even a month and will “cure” a person’s mental health or addiction. While there may be some rare success stories that are fast, the reality is that recovery doesn’t […]

How Can I Realize My Self-Worth in Recovery?


Before a person tends to seek out mental health or addiction recovery, they’re lost in this endless cycle of denial, cynicism, and habits that only seem to bring them down further. Alcohol and drugs have become a part of their norm and with this, it’s become easier to neglect serious aspects of mental and physical […]

What Are the Benefits of Sober Living Homes?

Sober Living

When we talk about treatment for mental health and addiction recovery, sober living homes often enter the conversation a bit later. Nevertheless, they’re an incredibly important aspect of recovery that each person should consider for themselves. Sober living homes are defined as facilities used by those recovering from substance abuse that serve as a transitional […]

Identifying a Role Model for Recovery

role models in recovery|role models in recovery

Recovery is filled with so many ups and downs, and it’s truly a learning process for everyone involved. For many people, role models are considered an excellent way to strive towards their goals in recovery. By finding someone you can look up to, there’s a lot more space for inspiration and motivation in achieving one’s […]