Tag Archives: Sobriety

How to Play the Tape Through for Relapse Prevention

When you are in recovery, there will be times you hit a low point and potentially think about throwing away your progress. There are numerous coping strategies to deal with these moments, but one of the most effective is “playing the tape through.” This may seem confusing at first, but learning how to do this […]

When Too Much Alcohol is Never Enough

Have you found yourself drinking more than you mean to on a regular basis because the usual amount you consume is never enough? What happens when you begin drinking what would be considered “too much,” and that still isn’t enough? It can be easy to overlook your drinking habits and live in denial of having […]

Facing Criticism of Taking Medication in Recovery


Taking medication while in recovery helps many people maintain their sobriety and manage their mental health. However, medication in recovery has become a controversial topic as some groups claim it is “replacing one addiction for another.” Some people are even told they aren’t sober because of their medications that their treatment team prescribed. This criticism […]

Overcoming Loneliness in Addiction Recovery

Many individuals who have gone through addiction will vouch for the fact that the disease thrives off of loneliness. To not allow the disease to feed off your feelings, it is critical to know how to cope with loneliness while in recovery. Of course, everyone feels lonely from time to time, but this can pose […]

How Do You Manage Finances During Recovery?


Managing money is challenging when you are in recovery. Trying to get your finances in order can trigger you to relapse to relieve the stress. Because money management is an essential life skill that cannot be ignored, learning how to budget, spend, and save responsibility can prevent your chances of relapsing. Stay Away From Credit […]

How to Overcome a Fear of Going to Rehab

fear of going to rehab

When you are struggling with addiction, it can be difficult to imagine a new life for yourself. You have lived in this reality for so long that even the thought of getting help can be frightening because it is foreign. However, you will not be able to get help and turn your life around if […]