Tag Archives: Sobriety

Why are COVID-19 Conditions Making Sobriety Harder?

Staying sober during COVID-19

You may have made it your goal to achieve sobriety, but feel like it is too much of a challenge because of the COVID-19 limitations. COVID-19 has brought about less social interaction, more stress, and fewer health services. To maintain sobriety during the pandemic, it is important to avoid situations where you feel tempted to […]

Staying Sober During the Holidays


The holidays are finally here! Whether you’ve been waiting in excitement or you’ve been quietly dreading them, you cannot stop the holiday season from arriving. The holiday season is a time of year filled with temptations. You may be coping with how to celebrate the holidays now that you’re sober, or you may be coping […]

What Good Things Can Happen to You When You Stop Drinking?

What Happens to Your Body

Alcohol can ruin your physical and mental health when it gets out of control. While you may think you are feeling good temporarily, you could also be feeling sluggish, pass out easily, and deal with a number of health issues. By knowing the benefits of abstaining from drinking, you will have more of an urge […]

Volunteering: Helping Yourself by Helping Others

Volunteer for Recovery

Volunteer work can benefit both the person accepting help and the one offering help. When you volunteer, you can find purpose in giving your time and talent to others. Finding purpose in recovery can help you maintain your sobriety and mental wellness. You can find purpose by helping others and building connections within your community. […]

Tips for Positive Thinking in the Backlash of COVID-19

Tips for Positive Thinking in the Backlash of COVID-19

When you’re in a bad mood or in a “low place,” positive thinking sounds like a bunch of crap, if you’re being honest. That, however, is just your mind playing tricks on you. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have shown that being optimistic can actually have many health benefits. The Mayo Clinic notes that […]

Can E-Cigarettes Cause You to Relapse in Smoking?

Can E-Cigarettes Cause You to Relapse in Smoking?

Medical News Bulletin says that 34 million Americans smoke and that smoking starts typically in a person’s teen years. When youth are encouraged to pick up flavored alternatives like vaping, it can actually increase the number of young smokers. You must abstain from vaping if you used to smoke, as it can increase your chances […]

Low Self-Esteem or High Self-Esteem: How They Both Challenge Recovery

mental health

Contrary to popular belief, not all people with substance use disorders (SUDs) are plagued with low self-esteem. High self-esteem can cause its own unique set of problems when it comes to addiction recovery. Where Does Self-Esteem Come From? Self-esteem comes from experiences with people and activities. Childhood experiences play a huge factor. If you were […]

Practicing Emotional Sobriety

Practicing Emotional Sobriety

Prior to recovery, most people with substance use disorders become quite adept at using drugs or alcohol to numb themselves from their emotions. Using helps protect them from feeling pain, heartbreak, fear, or disappointment – at least temporarily. That’s why a lot of people start using in the first place. Our addiction may help us […]

What Is Emotional Sobriety?

Options for Funding Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

From the very beginning, when we initially struggled with substance abuse and then developed an addiction, our mind, body, and spirit became used to alcohol or other drugs flooding our system. For many people, the addiction helped to numb themselves from the pain and agony they felt about previous traumas, accidents, relationship failures, career blunders, […]

Our Ever-Changing Roles in Recovery

Coping With Crisis During Recovery

If you were to take a moment to explain who you are, what type of words would you use to describe yourself? Would you explain that you’re a friend, lover, family member, cook, or an adventurer? What’s interesting about these labels is that the very ones we choose almost always are in relation to other […]