Tag Archives: Social Media

Can Sharing Comfort Meals on Social Media Help Depression?

Can sharing about a mental health disorder bring people together? There is one group on social media where it seems to be working. People are getting together and sharing their “depression meals” on Facebook. A depression meal is a combination of comfort foods for those who do not have the energy to cook a meal. […]

Effects of Social Media on Mental Health


In the age of selfies, photo-sharing apps, and new technologies, everyone seems to engage with social media in some way. You can find people of various ages, genders, backgrounds, and more using multiple social media apps. While this is harmless when used in healthy ways, using social media for too long and for the wrong […]

How Can Social Media Negatively Affect Your Sobriety?


Before social media, it was hard to tell how much drinking your peers have done when you are not around them. Now with social media, your peers are probably posting plenty of pictures of themselves with drinks in their hands. By learning how to have a healthy relationship with social media, you will not allow […]

How is the Misinformation of Drugs Taking Over Social Media?


Misinformation about illicit drugs has drastically increased in the social media space. With so many new and life-threatening drugs becoming available on the streets, there is an increased interest in the myths and realities of drug use. Unfortunately, media news outlets often publish stories that spread and repeat false information. Not only is this practice […]

What are the Mental Health Benefits of a Social Media Cleanse?

social media

Social media can be very overwhelming. On your feeds, you may be finding depressing news about the COVID-19 pandemic, selfies of your friends and family taking vacations, or rants from your friends about their political views. A social media cleanse may be what you need right now to achieve better mental health and a happier […]

What Are Appropriate Ways to Post About Mental Health?

social media

Mental health is a very sensitive subject to post about on social media especially when a poster chooses to make light of the suffering of others. Kanye West and Britney Spears, who both have a mental illness, have been the subject of numerous memes and jokes,  mocking their behaviors using terms like “crazy” and “insane.”  […]

Can Spending Time on Your Smartphone Increase Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression?

A 2017 study conducted by psychologist Dr. Jon Elhai reveals a correlational relationship between frequent smartphone use and depression, anxiety, and stress, meaning either the symptoms of a mental health disorder cause increased usage or smartphone exposure increases these symptoms. Whether smartphones are a coping mechanism or a catalyst, spending too much time on them […]

How Did Randy Kemp Turn His Life Around During Recovery?

What is Producer Joey Youngman’s Story on Anxiety and Addiction Recovery?

Drug addiction can be a hard habit to kick, and recovery is rarely a simple, straightforward process. Randy Kemp used to struggle with drug addiction over twenty years ago. After sticking with addiction recovery, Randy Kemp turned his life around by reuniting with the son he gave up for adoption when he was just a […]

Can I Attend 12-Step Meetings Virtually?

Living Alone During Recovery

If you are currently in treatment or just got out, you may be wondering where and how to attend 12-Step meetings. Because of COVID-19, almost all 12-Step meetings have closed their doors. However, there is no reason to worry – plenty of 12-Step meetings are now available online. Find a Zoom Meeting Most meetings are […]

What Role Does Social Media Have in Recovery?

Coping With Opiate Addictions During COVID-19

Social media is pervasive at this day in age: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other evolving platforms constantly fill up hours of the day until we’ve scrolled through other people’s lives so extensively that we’ve lost track of our own responsibilities. Of course, we all have different reasons for why we utilize social media. Some of […]