Tag Archives: Stress

Different Kinds of Therapies to Try in 2022

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What Are Proven Ways to Relieve Stress in 10 Minutes or Less?

When was the last time you truly took time to yourself to destress from the chaos of life? The American Psychological Association’s “Stress in America” 2020 survey found that one in five adults believe their mental health is worse now compared to the previous year. Instead of leaving this stress untreated, consider dedicating at least […]

How to Bring Peace Amidst Stress

Stress can be an overwhelming feeling for anyone, but it is dangerous for individuals in addiction recovery. Stress is a common relapse trigger that can threaten a person’s sobriety, especially when the person allows the stress to build. Knowing how to bring peace even in the most chaotic moments is crucial to learn for individuals […]

Can Socializing Emotionally Drain You During the Pandemic?

Coronavirus infected man during social distancing

With the availability of vaccines increasing worldwide, more people will be open to going back to their old social habits. The truth is that the transition from isolation to socialization can actually be very draining. It is important to remember that feeling emotionally drained when transitioning back to socialization is normal as we are so used […]

Why Does Anxiety Make Me Get Up in the Middle of the Night?

Urinals in a men restroom

When someone’s anxiety levels go through the roof, they may feel like going to the bathroom. Frequent urination is a common symptom of anxiety. Knowing why you need to use the restroom many times when you feel anxious can motivate you to seek treatment for it. Fight or Flight Response When things are running typically […]

How Can You Avoid Stress Going Back to the Office?

Stressed senior woman talking on a phone by the window in a white room

During the pandemic, you were probably feeling safe working at home. You did not need to worry about contracting the COVID-19 virus only speaking to people through a phone or computer. It is important to remember that the anxiety you feel is worse than reality and head into the office feeling confident about what the […]

How to Control Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts occur in the majority of human beings, but for some, they can be more persistent and troubling. Persistent intrusive thoughts can be especially prevalent if you are currently recovering from addiction. Knowing how to manage these thoughts can help your healing journey and keep you on the path to recovery. Next time you […]

How Can Parents Deal with the Stress of Homeschooling During the Pandemic?

Man turning air conditioning on while watching football with grandson

Homeschooling may be very new to you since you had to keep your kids at home because of the pandemic. It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed during the school year since you have not homeschooled your kids before. It is best to create a simple homeschooling routine for you and your kids and […]