Tag Archives: Substance Abuse

Is There A Connection Between Trauma and Mental Health or Substance Abuse?

What Can a Study About a Sea Slug Teach Us About Drug Addiction?

There are millions of people across the world who have battled with mental health problems or substance abuse and there are just as many, if not more, who’ve also endured trauma. For some people, that could involve a car accident while for others, it could have involved growing up with an ill, abusive, or neglectful […]

Why Personalized Treatment Is Important

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Substance Abuse

It is important now more than ever for those in our family, friend circle and community group to seek help for addiction. This is especially the case with the rise of substance abuse and a general lack of knowledge of the dangers of substances. Unfortunately, substance abuse has become a “norm” in our society as […]

How to Find Light Through Depression

Finding Light|Depression

Depression has the potential to make us feel completely worthless and alone. That’s why it’s so incredibly hard for those with depression to push through the fog. Studies have actually shown that depression is one of the largest occurrences for people across the world. Those with depression are at a greater likelihood of battling substance […]

Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?

Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?|Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?

Having concerns and questions about mental health disorders and their connection to addiction is valid. There is a link between trauma and substance abuse. Trauma impacts a person’s ability to cope with stress and suffering. Unbearable and unmanaged stress may lead to addiction as a person seeks to numb themselves and withstand the trauma. Their […]

A Mother’s Perspective

A Mother's Perspective

Mothers feel an immense need to protect and help their children. Watching your son or daughter disappear and spiral downwards due to mental health issues and substance abuse is an incredibly painful experience. You may feel overwhelmed by guilt, anger, and complete helplessness.    Observed behaviors: Personality: Changes in your child’s personality are one of […]

How are Substance Use Disorders Categorized?

How are substance use disorders categorized?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) describes addiction as compulsive drug-seeking regardless of harmful consequences to oneself or others. However, addiction is not a particular diagnosis included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).    What is the DSM-5? The DSM-5 is the classification and diagnostic tool published by the American […]

What Are the Signs That Someone Has Developed a Tolerance for a Drug?

What Are the Signs That Someone Has Developed a Tolerance for a Drug?

Tolerance is defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as, “A state in which an organism no longer responds to a drug; a higher dose is required to achieve the same effect.” All too often, tolerance begins to develop when a person doesn’t even realize it; they’ve begun using alcohol or other drugs […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Dopamine and Addiction: What Happens with Substance Abuse

Your Ultimate Guide to Dopamine and Addiction: What Happens with Substance Abuse

When we indulge in alcohol or other illicit drugs, we’re likely to experience a variety of symptoms – including euphoria. It’s that “rush” that many people chase after, but what is it about substances that gives them such a pleasurable feeling? One component of family and individual addiction recovery is exploring how drugs affect the […]

Negative Emotions and Their Link to Substance Abuse: What You Need to Know

Negative Emotions and Their Link to Substance Abuse: What You Need to Know

Pain. Anger. Sadness. These are just a few of the negative emotions that we all experience from time to time – but when times get hard, it feels almost unbearable – and that’s when many of us find ourselves reaching for alcohol or illicit drugs to numb the discomfort. It all happens so quickly, and […]

Which Comes First–Addiction or Depression?

Which Comes First--Addiction or Depression?

At least half of people with substance use disorders have a co-occurring mental health issue. Common dual diagnoses include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD, OCD, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and schizophrenia. For many of these, it’s clear that the mental health issue came first. Many have strong genetic components and symptoms of […]