Tag Archives: Substance Use

Lessons From Bad Days

Learning Lessons

Everyone has had bad days in their recovery where they feel down, hopeless, and like they can’t continue. These days can feel debilitating and as though life is out to get you. However, while bad days are unpleasant, they are crucial to your recovery because they build your strength. The good days will motivate you […]

Finding Stability in Early Recovery


Living life while struggling with addiction often has no stability. Addiction is great at uprooting your life and causing you to live in a way you cannot predict. This can lead to increased anxiety and decreased motivation in recovery. Having stability offers you a predictable life, for the most part. This is partly due to […]

Addiction Recovery: What Struggles Do Men Face in Treatment?


Several studies have noted that men are more likely than women to use almost all types of illicit substances. Despite the growing number of people who classify as having substance use disorders (SUDs), there are many people who still do not seek treatment because they’re unaware that they need help. In many instances, men are […]

Harvard Study Links Emotions with Substance Abuse


People are aware that smoking can destroy your lungs and your life. What if emotions are what come into play to make us want to smoke? Harvard University did four studies to see just how emotions come into play when feeling tempted to smoke. The Goal of the Studies A team of researchers conducted four […]

What is Preventing me From Reaching Out for Help?

What is Preventing me From Reaching Out for Help?

Barriers to Seeking Treatment If you are suffering from the disease of addiction and you are reluctant to get help, you’re not alone. A recent government survey reported that, of the nearly 23 million people with substance use disorder, only about 10 percent of them received treatment. This suggests that vast majority of people in […]

Staying Sober After A Death of a Loved One 

Staying Sober After A Death of a Loved One 

It doesn’t matter your socio-economic background, race or religion – losing a loved one is a painful human experience. Dealing with all of the grief surrounding death is brutal and for those in addiction recovery, grief can trigger a major relapse. Grief-related sadness, anger, and pain can cloud our ability to think clearly, and those […]

Can Addiction Cause Paranoia?

Can Addiction Cause Paranoia?

Many substances can cause changes in perception and behavior, and those that cause paranoia are said to cause “substance induced psychosis”. When this occurs, both delusions and paranoia may take place; Mental Health America (MHA) defines paranoia as, “…Intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat or conspiracy.” A person with […]

Rebuilding Self Identity While Recovering from Substance Use Disorders

Rebuilding Self Identity While Recovering from Substance Use Disorders

When we’re actively abusing substances, we surround ourselves with people that perpetuate the lifestyle we’re leading. We begin spending more time with other people who like to drink or use drugs, and it becomes harder to spend time with our loved ones who perhaps don’t partake in these activities. Over time, we become distant from […]

When is it Too Late to Recover from Addiction?

When is it Too Late to Recover from Addiction?

Addiction affects people of all ages. Although substance use most often initially becomes a problem between the ages of 18 and 25, you can develop a substance use disorder at any age or a substance use disorder you developed at a young age may continue for decades. Since addiction is a chronic, progressive disease, it […]