Tag Archives: Suicidal Thoughts

How Did Cooking Save Kevin Curry’s Life?

Fitness expert Kevin Curry was suffering from depression after the loss of his job and his girlfriend. Just as Curry was about to end his life, he got a phone call from his counselor, who he had not spoken to in some time, and it saved his life. Curry was able to treat his depression […]

What Should You Know About Suicidal Thoughts?


Someone struggling with suicidal thoughts can be very good at hiding them because they do not want to reveal their vulnerability. It is hard to survive these painful thoughts if you do not reach out for support. Mental health experts in Parade have broken the stigma of mental health by speaking about what we need […]

What Is the New Antidepressant Nasal Spray to Help Treat Suicidal Thoughts?


Imagine a nasal spray that you can use to help treat your depression. SPRAVATO® was developed as a nasal spray designed to address depression, as well as help patients who have suicidal thoughts or have tried to take their own lives. With the FDA expanding approval for this nasal spray for use by those with […]

How Do You Find a Therapist If You are Suicidal?

What Should Partners Watch Out For in a New Mom?

You may have been told that if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is important to see a therapist. It can be a difficult journey to find a therapist as there are many therapists that have limited training in suicide. When looking for a therapist, you need to find someone who specializes in suicide so […]

Why Are the Elderly at Risk For Suicide?

People may think that the elderly live relaxed lives now that they have retired. The Centers for Disease Control says that out of 85,000 people that took their lives in 2017, over 47,000 were ages 65 and older. By learning why the elderly are at risk for suicide, there is a higher chance for more […]

How to Ask Your Child If They Are Suicidal?

If you feel like your child has been preoccupied with death, experiencing negative emotions, can hardly sleep, engaging in risky behaviors, social withdrawals, or anything else that has been troubling you, your child may be experiencing suicidal thoughts. You may be afraid to talk to your child about it because you think you will be […]

How to Put Together a Suicide Prevention Kit

It is possible that you have attempted suicide before or are dealing with suicidal thoughts. You are afraid that you may follow through with those thoughts. With a suicide prevention kit, you will have the tools with you in case you feel like those suicidal thoughts are taking over. Safety Plan Having a safety plan […]

What Can I Do If I Feel Suicidal?

Feeling thoughts of suicide does not mean that you are weak or crazy, but that you feel like things will not get better for you. It is important to understand that suicide should never be considered an option when things are not working out for you. By reaching out to someone and creating a safe […]

How Can I Talk to My Therapist About Suicidal Thoughts?

It can be scary to express suicidal thoughts to anyone, especially a therapist. You may be scared that your therapist will institutionalize you for having intense thoughts like that. By opening up to your therapist about your suicidal thoughts, it can be a good stepping stone to be more open about your depression and doing […]