Tag Archives: Suicide

What is MTV Doing to Raise Awareness About Suicide Prevention?

MTV is known for reality shows made for entertainment purposes like “Jersey Shore” and “16 and Pregnant.” February 16th was the premiere of MTV’s new documentary movie “Each and Every Day” about high school students who have thought about ending their life and how to move forward. Documentary films like “Each and Every Day” can […]

Opioids and Veterans

Opioids and Veterans

Veterans are a population of Americans at risk for substance use disorders (SUDs) due to their substantial susceptibility to having chronic pain and psychological issues. More than 50% of all veterans receiving care from the Veterans Health Administration experience chronic pain, compared to 30% of all Americans reporting chronic pain. The difference between veterans and […]

The Relationship Between Opioids and Suicide: Not as Close as We Once Thought

The Relationship Between Opioids and Suicide|The Relationship Between Opioids and Suicide

Estimates used to be that suicide accounted for almost one-third of all opioid-related overdose deaths. However, new research found that suicide accounted for only 4% of opioid-related deaths. The study utilized 17 years of data, between 2000 and 2017, to figure out the prevalence of unintentional, suicidal, or unspecified deaths related to opioid use. The […]

Did Edgar Allan Poe Have Suicidal Thoughts? 

Poet Edgar Allan Poe’s death has been a mystery for over 170 years with theories from rabies to suicide. He received no autopsy and there are no surviving medical records of his. Researchers from Lancaster University now have the technology to see based on Poe’s language if he had suicidal thoughts which can help us […]

Why is There a Link Between Police Officers and Suicide?

What Are Cost-Efficient Ways to Have a Mental Health Day?

Being a police officer is not an easy occupation to have in that you put your life on the line and have to worry about the lives of others who are in danger. According to the nonprofit Blue H.E.L.P., 228 current or former police officers died from suicide in 2019 and 172 the year before. […]

Why Do People Feel the Need to Lie in Therapy?

There are people who feel the need to lie in therapy because they are afraid of being judged or criticized by their therapist. According to a study in Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 93% of patients have said they lie in therapy. A true therapist will never judge you as you are in therapy for a reason […]

What Therapists Want You to Know About Suicide

How Do You Handle Toxic Family Members?

People seem to think that by not talking about suicide to someone, they will never do it. That just because someone seems fine and happy on the outside does not mean that they are not crying for help on the inside. Reader’s Digest has had mental health professionals speak about the best way to talk […]

Preventing and Coping with Workplace Suicide

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that the U.S. suicide rates are the highest since World War II. In the workplace, it is said in a Forbes article that 270 U.S. employees killed themselves at work in 2013. It is important that the workplace, as well as employees, are aware of the signs […]