Tag Archives: Support

What to Do When You Are Losing Hope

What to Do When You Are Losing Hope

Active addiction can leave you feeling drained, depressed, and even hopeless. Recovery has ups and downs that can also lead to emotional strain and feelings of hopelessness. While these feelings can be overwhelming, it is essential to remember that you are never a lost cause or unable to heal. When you feel hopeless, it merely […]

What Can You Do When You Feel a Lack of Support?

You may be struggling with addiction or mental health issues and feel like you are not getting the support you need in your recovery. You might be thinking that no one will ever understand you or that people are too afraid to talk to you. Instead of letting your imagination run wild, try increasing your […]

How Addiction Impacts the LGBTQ Community

lgbtq mental health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that members of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) population are more likely to use alcohol and drugs. They also have a higher rate of substance abuse, and a higher risk of heavy drinking later in life. The CDC states that gay and bisexual men […]

What Makes a Great Mental Health Mentor?

What Makes a Great Mental Health Mentor? Being a mental health mentor requires the ability to understand a variety of mental illnesses and knowing the best course of treatment for them. By knowing what it takes to be the best mental health mentor to someone, you can help people who are dealing with mental health […]

How is COVID-19 Affecting Rehabilitation?


One of the least mentioned effects of the coronavirus pandemic is the impact it is having on people in recovery. Fear or exposure to COVID-19, the need for social distancing and regulations around safe interactions have made it difficult for those in outpatient programs or who attend recovery meetings to access the support they need […]

Assuming New Responsibilities After Rehab

Assuming New Responsibilities After Rehab

As you acclimate to life outside of your rehabilitation center, you will adopt new responsibilities in your life: walking the dog, cleaning your home, and caring for your body are some of the potential duties that you will assume after graduating from a residential treatment program. You are now in control of your schedule and, […]

How Can I Focus on My Needs When My Parent Develops Alcohol Use Disorder?

How Can I Focus on My Needs When My Parent Develops Alcohol Use Disorder?

When a parent develops an addiction to alcohol, shifts in mood and behaviors altered by the addictive substance can inflict unintentional trauma on each member of the family and the familial unit. If your parent exhibits signs of alcohol reliance, such as irritability, memory loss, drinking constantly, drinking alone, and ranking drinking above other activities, […]

How Should Schools Handle Illegal Substance Addiction in Students?

The CDC reports that by 12th grade, approximately 60% of students have tried alcohol and that young people aged between 10 and 20 consume about one-tenth of alcohol sales in the country. Additionally, about half of high school students reported using marijuana, and one-fifth of high school seniors have used prescription medication without a prescription. […]

Coping With Crisis During Recovery

Coping With Crisis During Recovery

Experiencing a traumatic event during recovery may severely harm your mental health, causing you to seek comfort from substances. Trauma elicits unique reactions from each individual, but people in recovery from addiction are more likely to respond to a crisis by engaging in substance abuse. You deserve to respond to a traumatic event honestly and […]