Tag Archives: Trauma

Are There Recovery Tools for Trauma in Recovery Programs?

Don’t Let Fear of Failure Undermine Your Recovery

One of the most surprising aspects of trauma is that it has the ability to either make or break you. It can define who you are and bring you down or strengthen and help you build more resilience. Studies have found that around half of those who seek out recovery have also battled with trauma […]

Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?

Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?|Trauma and Substance Abuse: How Does Trauma Influence the Risk for Addiction?

Having concerns and questions about mental health disorders and their connection to addiction is valid. There is a link between trauma and substance abuse. Trauma impacts a person’s ability to cope with stress and suffering. Unbearable and unmanaged stress may lead to addiction as a person seeks to numb themselves and withstand the trauma. Their […]

Triggers: Their Relationship to Psychological Issues and Addictions


People who endure traumatic events can experience issues when something in their environment triggers distressing memories associated with the event and their connected thoughts and emotions to these memories. Triggers may set off a re-memory, or flashback, that transports the individual back to the event of the original trauma.  What Are Triggers? Personally formed through […]

How Can Divorce Be Less Traumatic For Children?

Divorce can be very traumatic for children. They are seeing their parents separate forever which goes against the norm of growing up with your parents in love. It is important to speak to your children about your divorce in a gentle way and to ensure that you are all still a family. What is the […]

How Do You Handle Toxic Family Members?

How Do You Handle Toxic Family Members?

We can pick our friends and our jobs and leave them when we feel things are becoming toxic to our health and our life. Our family members, on the other hand, are a different story in that we are genetically linked to them and cannot leave them until we become an adult. In order to […]

Why Trauma Can Turn Into Addiction and How to Find Support

Twins and Addiction

Men are not immune to dealing with trauma. They are maybe less likely to be vocal about the residual challenges abuse leaves them with but they are still impacted. The daily struggle to cope with the mental and physical issues related to past trauma can manifest in anger, anxiety, worry, and other concerns. Some men […]

What Makes a Man High Risk for Addiction and How to Seek Help

What Makes a Man High Risk for Addiction and How to Seek Help

Men and women use substances and mental health issues can also plague both genders. Men are particularly high risk for addiction if they have certain conditions present. That does not mean they are going to be addicted to substances or experience mental health issues. It just means they are more likely to struggle and there […]

What Is It Like to Have a Flashback?

What Is It Like to Have a Flashback?

You’re walking through the grocery store, not paying attention to much else besides the list that’s in your hand. Your browsing through the aisle, trying to find a specific ingredient for a recipe that you planned to make – and then suddenly you were overcome with feelings of panic. Your mind starts racing, and for […]