Tag Archives: Treatment

How Can the Pleasurable Effects of Alcohol Predict Alcohol Use Disorder?

When you drink that first alcoholic beverage, you probably do not expect to make drinking a new habit despite the pleasurable effects it gives you. However, a new study showed that constantly experiencing the pleasurable effects of habitual drinking can make you more likely to develop alcohol use disorder. By going into treatment, you will […]

Why is it Important for People with Disabilities to Seek Individualized Treatment?


A disability is when a person’s mind or body prevents them from taking part in one or more major activities. When disabilities worsen over time or stop you from an activity you enjoyed, it can lead to severe mental health symptoms and using drugs or alcohol to cope. If you have a disability, it is […]

How Do You Encourage Your Loved One to Go to Rehab?


When someone you care about is struggling with addiction, it is our instinct sometimes to nag or lecture them about the importance of getting help. Making a loved one feel terrible about themselves will not motivate them to seek treatment and may have the opposite effect. The best way to convince someone to seek treatment […]

What are the Most Dangerous Drugs for Addiction?

What are the Most Dangerous Drugs for Addiction?

We continue to struggle with the opioid epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic is making people more susceptible to drug abuse to control their stress. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered there were 81,000 overdose deaths between June 2019 and May 2020. By being aware of which addictive drugs have the potential to kill […]

What Is the Advantage of Drugs Being Decriminalized?


Just recently, Measure 110 of the Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment Initiative was approved, making the punishment of non-commercial possession of a controlled substance a maximum fine of $100. Furthermore, individuals receiving this punishment will be sent to rehab instead of jail. With many states and countries growing in favor of decriminalizing drugs, there are […]

Learning to Cope With a Mental Health Diagnosis

All you may want when you know something is wrong is confirmation from someone else that what you are experiencing is real, especially regarding mental health. Mental health is typically surrounded by stigmas that often cause people to doubt their own experiences. Getting a confirmation in the form of a diagnosis can be relieving for […]

Why Should You Avoid Saying the Word “Addict?”


The word “addict” has been around since the 1500s and comes from the Latin word “addictus,” meaning “assigned, surrendered.” The way we talk about addiction is changing, which means that the word needs to change, as well. Dictionary.com has recently updated the definition of “addict” in order to destigmatize people who are suffering from addiction.  […]

COVID-19 Regulations at Treatment Facilities


You may be nervous about going to a treatment facility due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases. The idea of going outside the house is giving everyone anxiety. However, your addiction recovery and mental health are important, especially with the impact of the pandemic. If you are considering getting help for addiction to drugs […]

Why Does “One Day at a Time” Work for Recovering Alcoholics?

onde day

The “one day at a time” philosophy is taught at 12-Step meetings as a reminder to commit to staying sober each day. Because it is known that there is no cure for alcoholism, the best that can be done is achieving sobriety for the next 24 hours. A new brain imaging study done by Yale […]

What Is the Role of Willingness in Recovery?

Willingness for Recovery

Willingness is when you are willing to do something out of choice and not because someone forced you. This is an important quality to have when you are in recovery. By being willing to get yourself into recovery, you would prefer to embrace this change instead of fighting it.  Why People Lack Willingness in Recovery […]