Tag Archives: Treatment

The Danger of Self-Medicating for a Mental Illness

Danger of Self-Medication

You may be using alcohol or drugs to self-medicate an underlying mental illness. Some people have a “dual diagnosis” of mental illness and addiction; often, addiction begins as a means to self-medicate. You may have struggled with anxiety and found that alcohol “calms your nerves.” You might have had difficulty staying awake during the day […]

How is COVID-19 Affecting Rehabilitation?


One of the least mentioned effects of the coronavirus pandemic is the impact it is having on people in recovery. Fear or exposure to COVID-19, the need for social distancing and regulations around safe interactions have made it difficult for those in outpatient programs or who attend recovery meetings to access the support they need […]

Alta Loma Provides COVID-19 Compliant Treatment

A person in need of a residential program to treat their mental illness is likely interested in COVID-19 Compliant Treatment. They may fear entering a group setting for treatment, due to safety concerns related to the Coronavirus. People who need the intensive help that a residential facility offers cite concern over the safety factors of […]

Learning Life Skills Outside of Your Treatment Center

Learning Life Skills Outside of Your Treatment Center

Your recovery support system will instill you with invaluable life skills such as stress management or mechanisms to cope with a crisis, but you may not get the guidance you need to complete daily activities like cooking or paying bills in therapy or group meetings. As you transition from recovery to living outside the treatment […]

When Friends Aren’t Supportive of Your Recovery, It’s Time to End the Relationship

When Friends Aren’t Supportive of Your Recovery

When you confront your substance addiction and begin your journey to recovery, most friends and family members will be extremely supportive. The people in your life who truly care about your wellbeing will be excited to see you pursue a life path that will bring you emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Some people, however, might pose […]

An Effective Tool in Substance Addiction Recovery: Art Therapy

Art therapy offers an active form of treatment that engages both mind and body. The practice works well with talk therapy, 12-step programs, and other traditional treatment options for individuals overcoming addiction, allowing participants to approach healing creatively. Art therapy has proven to be beneficial for individuals coping with depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, substance addiction, […]

How Did Randy Kemp Turn His Life Around During Recovery?

What is Producer Joey Youngman’s Story on Anxiety and Addiction Recovery?

Drug addiction can be a hard habit to kick, and recovery is rarely a simple, straightforward process. Randy Kemp used to struggle with drug addiction over twenty years ago. After sticking with addiction recovery, Randy Kemp turned his life around by reuniting with the son he gave up for adoption when he was just a […]

Alternatives to God as a “Higher Power” in a 12-Step Program

Alternatives to God as a “Higher Power” in a 12-Step Program

Most of us have heard of the 12-Step program before, but we may still be fuzzy on the details. According to the American Addiction Center’s website, the 12-Step program was first pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The “steps” include the reliance on a “higher power,” and this model is used by 74% of addiction centers. […]

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance

Tips for Dealing with Your Year of No Romance|

According to an article published by American Addiction Centers entitled “Guide to Sober Dating,” a lot of treatment programs don’t recommend that their clients seek romantic or sexual relationships in the first year of treatment. The first year in recovery is the hardest. You will need to dedicate your time, energy, and focus on fixing […]

How Can SoberBuddy App Help with Recovery?

Support is an essential component of addiction recovery. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be hard to visit your support system when you are in quarantine. Luckily, there is an app called SoberBuddy that will give you a virtual companion to offer you the resources you need to have a successful recovery. What is SoberBuddy? […]