Tag Archives: Treatment

What Can a Study About a Sea Slug Teach Us About Drug Addiction?

What Can a Study About a Sea Slug Teach Us About Drug Addiction?

The choices our brain makes may seem smart, but could actually leave disastrous results for our bodies. For example, drugs and alcohol may have empty calories, but our brains still crave them because of how they make us feel. Recently, the University of Illinois decided to use a sea slug to study the cravings of […]

How Did a Cat Help a Man Overcome His Addiction?

How Did a Cat Help a Man Overcome His Addiction?

Hunter Michael Shepard was battling drug addiction ever since he was 12 years old. After years of treatment facilities, Shepard was able to get the help he needed and has been clean for 846 days. Even though his parents were there to support him in his recovery, Shepard thanks his orange cat, Pete, for what […]

Why Do We Need Structure?

Why Do We Need Structure?

The first step in recovery is admitting that we are powerless over drugs or alcohol and that our lives have become unmanageable. Addicts often live their lives in a self-centered way – doing whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it. A lot of us come from chaotic homes where our environment […]

Why Is Treatment Necessary for Co-Occurring Disorders?

Why Is Treatment Necessary for Co-Occurring Disorders?

Even as adults, we don’t always know how to handle situations that could be detrimental to our health and well-being. We make mistakes, bad choices, and don’t always use our judgment. If we’re not careful with some things, it could only make matters worse. Loved ones may be reaching out to us, explaining the symptoms […]

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

How Does Sharing My Story Help Others?

We hear of others telling their stories in recovery all the time – but you may be thinking, “Why should I do this?” Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or have been working towards sobriety for quite some time, it’s an important question to ask yourself. Sharing your story is a vulnerable task. […]

Is There A Connection Between Trauma and Mental Health or Substance Abuse?

What Can a Study About a Sea Slug Teach Us About Drug Addiction?

There are millions of people across the world who have battled with mental health problems or substance abuse and there are just as many, if not more, who’ve also endured trauma. For some people, that could involve a car accident while for others, it could have involved growing up with an ill, abusive, or neglectful […]

Recovery Is Different for Everyone

Mental Health Benefits of Video Journaling

If you were to ask any two people about their lived experiences, you would probably hear two very different stories. This is because we’ve all gone through different situations throughout our lives, and these situations have impacted us in different ways. In addition to that, we have different personalities, mindsets, goals, upbringings, health conditions, educational […]

Why Consider Long-Term Treatment?

Long-Term Treatment

One of the most common myths about recovery is that treatment is a “quick fix” or something that can be done over a few weeks or even a month and will “cure” a person’s mental health or addiction. While there may be some rare success stories that are fast, the reality is that recovery doesn’t […]

What Are the Benefits of Sober Living Homes?

Sober Living

When we talk about treatment for mental health and addiction recovery, sober living homes often enter the conversation a bit later. Nevertheless, they’re an incredibly important aspect of recovery that each person should consider for themselves. Sober living homes are defined as facilities used by those recovering from substance abuse that serve as a transitional […]