Tag Archives: Triggers

Using Triggers to Reveal What You Need to Heal

depression illustration

Triggers can be associated with mental health, trauma, and substance abuse. They are environmental cues that remind individuals of past traumatic experiences and can include things such as colors, songs, certain words, names, smells, and more. Triggers vary from person to person and are often quite distressing when experienced, even if the person has ways […]

What Caused Actor Dax Shepard to Relapse?


There is always a risk of relapse occurring, even if it has been years since you last touched an addictive drug. “Parenthood” actor Dax Shepard first became addicted to drugs at the age of 18. Since then, he has had two drug relapses throughout his recovery. With the help of his wife, actress Kristen Bell, […]

Learning to Manage PTSD Triggers

managing triggers

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health diagnosis related to a person’s difficulty in recovering from a traumatizing event they experienced or witnessed. PTSD triggers are common side effects, including those brought on by certain sights, sounds, smells, thoughts, tastes and touches. These triggers remind the person of the traumatic event that occurred, often […]

How Did John Goodman Tackle His Alcoholism?

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John Goodman is a talented actor known for his breakout role as Dan Conner in “Roseanne” as well as “Monster’s Inc.,” “The Flintstones,” and more. Goodman has also had his struggles dealing with alcoholism and overeating. By understanding John Goodman’s story of addiction recovery, we can learn that anyone can struggle with addiction and can […]

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) is a lifelong process that requires you to address and eradicate unhealthy behaviors developed during an extended period of substance abuse. The journey to recovery is not always smooth or comfortable, especially during your first months of sobriety. You will have to face the underlying causes of your SUD […]

Can Spending Time on Your Smartphone Increase Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression?

A 2017 study conducted by psychologist Dr. Jon Elhai reveals a correlational relationship between frequent smartphone use and depression, anxiety, and stress, meaning either the symptoms of a mental health disorder cause increased usage or smartphone exposure increases these symptoms. Whether smartphones are a coping mechanism or a catalyst, spending too much time on them […]

How Do I Confront Fears of Relapse?

How Do Men Cope with Grief and Loss

Recent studies show that the overwhelming majority—approximately 85%—of people in recovery from substance addiction will relapse within the first year. This statistic should not discourage your efforts to adhere strongly to your recovery plan, but it should bring comfort to know that the community in recovery shares your fears of relapse and may be able […]

How Can I Redesign My Home to Make It More Positive?

How Can I Redesign My Home to Make It More Positive?

The excitement of initiating your recovery journey is pervasive. Now that you’ve decided to seek treatment for substance abuse, you’re ready for some more changes in your social circles, workspace, and your own home. Wanting to reinvigorate the environments you inhabit shows optimism that will benefit you as you progress through recovery. Keep that spirit […]

What Types of People Do I Need in My Support Network?

What Types of People Do I Need in My Support Network?

Building a support network in recovery is critical to your journey. Your network will offer guidance, comfort, relief, and some tough love as you progress in your recovery from substance abuse. When selecting the friends, family, and mental health professionals to comprise your support network, make sure to choose people who will help you move […]

Religion and Spirituality in Recovery

Religion and Spirituality in Recovery

In times of struggle, many people turn to religion for reassurance and strength. Managing substance addiction can be difficult, and individuals in recovery may join a religious or spiritual organization for the support and structure offered by the institution. Not all individuals in recovery want to incorporate faith into their lifestyle and they find fulfillment […]