Tag Archives: Triggers

Everyday Activities That Trigger Anxiety

Everyday Activities That Trigger Anxiety

You may notice that you have anxiety when you are feeling stressed out, but do not know what it can be that is bringing about these symptoms. It can be simple everyday things like your friends pressuring you to go on a blind date, but you start getting shaky and have puzzling thoughts the whole […]

Life After Meth: 6 Strategies To Keeping You On The Right Track 

Life After Meth: 6 Strategies To Keeping You On The Right Track 

After completing treatment for methamphetamine addiction, the next stage is recovery bringing with it some difficult challenges, especially in the first few weeks. Those recovering from long-term meth abuse will experience cravings and triggers in various forms and will need immense support and coping skills to stay committed to their sobriety. Here are some tips […]

 5 Tips To Staying Sober During Summer Party Season

 5 Tips To Staying Sober During Summer Party Season

Weddings, graduation, pool parties, festivals and family gatherings, summer is the ultimate party season and with the sultry weather often comes alcohol. And this year, it may be the first time you’re sober during all the fun. Summer parties can be very triggering for those in recovery, but with support, this season can still be […]

What Are Common Alcohol Use Triggers?

Peer Pressure and Substance Use: How Do I Walk Away?

Addiction treatment programs are not a panacea. They don’t cure addiction but they can help people find hope and healing for the day-by-day walk forward. Knowledge is power when it comes to recovery. Triggers are things that get in the way of recovery, that pop-up and create struggles for people to move on from addictive […]