Tag Archives: Wellness

The Importance of Physical Strength in Addiction Recovery

When recovering from active addiction, many people only think about the various therapies you go through that help heal the underlying causes. However, reviving your physical strength is just as important to the recovery process. There are numerous benefits of regaining your physical health and strength, and by understanding them, you can be motivated to […]

How Can You Mentally Recharge Any Time of the Day?

Life can get hectic when you are juggling family, work, and personal responsibilities. You may be on a deadline for a project at work, the kids want dinner, and your phone is exploding with messages, but whether it is five minutes or 60 minutes, it is imperative to find ways to de-stress and recharge yourself. […]

What You Gain in Recovery: A Path to a Beautiful Life

When many people enter rehab, they often go in with the mindset that they are “quitting alcohol” or “losing drugs,” but this is not correct. Going in with this perspective can be damaging to your overall willingness to recover. Rather than focusing on what you lose by getting sober, think about what there is to […]

How Can Alcohol Negatively Affect Testosterone?


Consuming too much alcohol can negatively affect every aspect of your body, including testosterone. Alcohol can disrupt testosterone production by interfering with the three glands needed for production. To prevent your testosterone levels from dropping, and to avoid infertility issues, it is important to see your doctor about your alcoholism to take better care of […]

Mental Illness Can Affect Physical Health


Mental illness can affect a person’s physical health, compounding their problems. Someone dealing with a mental illness might not realize that some of the physical symptoms they experience may be tied together. Symptoms can include jaw pain, chronic pain, blotchy skin and excessive sweating.  Mental Illness Can Cause Weight to Fluctuate  The National Institute of […]

How Can Healthcare Workers Redesign Their Surroundings for Their Mental Health?

By redesigning your hospital’s surroundings

Frontline workers are dealing with many stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be anything from contracting the virus to concerns for their families or grief over watching their patients die. By redesigning your hospital’s surroundings, you can feel more comfortable at work and ease your anxiety and depression. How Can the Breakroom Be […]

Healthy Ways to Reintegrate into Your Family’s Lives

Healthy Ways to Reintegrate into Your Family's Lives

Reserving time to focus on yourself is critical in early recovery. As you progress, however, you can switch autopilot on and dedicate more of your time to others. Your family loves you, and they understand that you needed to focus on yourself when you started in recovery. Now that you are mentally and emotionally stronger, […]