Tag Archives: Withdrawal Symptoms

Understanding Symptoms of Marijuana Withdrawal


With the recent influx of states around the US legalizing medicinal and recreational marijuana, the amount of users has understandably increased in recent years. Even though there is now a larger population of people using marijuana, many believe that marijuana is not addictive. However, the drug can be addictive and cause you to experience withdrawal […]

Why Do Antidepressants Cause You to Have Withdrawal Symptoms?

Many people take antidepressants to relieve their depression symptoms. Three Chicago researchers discovered that even though you cannot get high taking antidepressants, it can still lead to withdrawal symptoms when you abruptly stop taking them. By being aware of what happens when you suddenly stop taking your anti-anxiety medications, you will learn to better control […]

When it is Time to Get Off Antidepressants

If you are taking antidepressants and you feel like you are able to handle the side effects fine, your doctor will continue to renew your prescription. On the other hand, side effects like headaches, insomnia, drowsiness, weird dreams, or not feeling like yourself can be tiring when taking this medication long-term. It is important to […]

What Happens During Opioid Withdrawal?

What Happens During Opioid Withdrawal?

The opioid epidemic keeps getting worse every year. In 2107, more than 47,000 people died of opioid-related overdoses. With growing awareness of the problem, there are now more treatment options than ever. However, for many people, fear of withdrawal is a major obstacle to seeking treatment. Opioid withdrawal is almost never fatal but it is […]